League of Legends Guides- Taliyah

In this champion build guide, we’ll show you how to play Taliyah, the Rock Weaver, as support. Yes, Support Taliyah is really clear.

You’re really into support, but you’ve lost your desire for standard champions? Life as an Engage Champion in the Frontline or as a Squishy Enchanter is way too risky for you? Then this champion guide is for you – we’re entering rocky terrain with this off-meta build to Support Taliyah!

The Taliyah Support build we’re introducing you to in this Taliyah Champion Guide originally comes from Korea. High Elo Grandmaster Support PMD91 is the pioneer of this off-meta strategy, so to speak. So if you follow this champion build guide carefully, you will definitely improve your KDA and have a positive impact on Taliyah’s win rate.

Taliyah Build: Runes and Items

Your best friend as a rune is Dark Harvest because in Bot Lane you will fight 2v2 quite often. With it, you can easily get the Dark Harvest stacks together. With this rune, you can start the lane phase quite aggressively and get the ball rolling early.

The other runes from the Domination Path depend on your playstyle. For additional burst damage, you should use a Cheap Shot. Eyeball Collection or Zombie Ward are also good choices. For the fourth slot, you can really let your imagination run wild, but we recommend Ravenous Hunter for Omnivamp.

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The strongest Mythic Rune for Support Taliyah is definitely Ludens Tempest. It might seem a bit aggressive at first glance, but that’s exactly what you want to be on the bot lane. If the enemy team is all squishy champions, you’re the bloodthirsty support that one-shots everyone. If the opposing team is playing with a lot of tanks, on the other hand, you’d better opt for Landry’s.

Zhonya’s is the cornerstone of really any Taliyah support build. It protects you in case you do get jumped. It also helps you survive fights that you really shouldn’t survive. For offense, stick to the standard build with Rabadons and Void Staff.

Seriously, we are rock solid on Taliyah Support.

Taliyah Support Guide: Early Game

How you play the early game always depends on your opponent. Taliyah has one of the best Qs in the whole game, so together with the ADC you should always try to push and be aggressive. At level 2, you don’t have the full W>E>Q combo yet – so it’s best to wait until level 3 to engage.

As soon as you reach levels 4 and 5, you should start roaming. Make sure that your ADC is stable before you start roaming to the mid-lane. If you use the W, Seismic Shove, out of sight, it won’t show where you placed it – that’s pretty sick for ganks, of course.

Taliyah Support Guide: Mid Game

In the mid-game, you’ll be roaming even more. Vision is your best friend – this is also where the Zombie Ward rune comes into play, which we mentioned earlier in our Taliyah Support Guide. Always be on the lookout for enemy champions that are about to clear your Vision. With Taliyah’s Passive Rock Surfing, you’ll be mega fast and may be able to surprise an opponent or two.

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If you’re not blatantly ahead after the lane phase, you should play a bit more passively and set up kills with your abilities. With Seismic Shove, many kills are just a stone’s throw away! You can also use your Ulti to separate individual opponents from their team or allow you and your ADC to escape from a fight.

Taliyah Support Guide: Late Game

In the Late Game, you’re pretty squishy on the road, so don’t let any opponent cut you off. Otherwise, you will be down faster than you can write “gg EZ” in the chat. So you’d better stay close to your team.

In the solo cue, it is not so easy to time your Ulti correctly – but you can use it super to surprise careless split pushers or to get better at single champions.

Taliyah Support Guide: Good and Bad Matchups

If you’re mobbing immobile champions with Taliyah, you’re probably playing her right – one reason why she’s a good support pick for the bot lane. Most ADCs aren’t really mobile, which is why she gives Kog’Maw, Swain, and Miss Fortune huge problems.

Whereas it gets difficult for you is when you get outranged. Specifically, this means that champions like Varus or Caitlyn aren’t exactly the best matchups for Taliyah. Enchanter supports with a big range like Janna or Morgana will also take the fun out of the game for you.

Hopefully, you learned something in this Taliyah Champion build and guide and are now a really tough matchup for any opponent. Will you try to Support Taliyah before the end of the – Season ? You have our seal of approval for it – Taliyah is a real blast! Practice makes perfect and eventually, you will carrien your team regularly.

Are you looking for more Champion Guides for your Mains? Check out our guide section – you’ll even learn how to play champions like Mid Laner Sett or jungle-like Amumu better.

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