League of Legends Guides- Tahm Kench, The King of the River

This champion guide will show you how to use Tahm Kench most effectively in every phase of the game and how to abuse his extremely strong laning phase. The buffs from 11.14 skyrocketed his wine, pick rate, and ban rate, catapulting him right into the S-Tier category of top laners alongside Fiora and Camille.

His extremely strong laning phase makes for a safe snowball, so you’re pretty much always relevant in fights. So if you’re looking for a new top layer that currently wins just about every matchup and is still classified as a tank, look no further than Tahm Kench!

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Tahm Kench is one of the strongest duelists and also one of the strongest tanks on the top lane. This combination makes it easy for him to win most matchups easily. There is very limited counterplay for the opponent on the lane, so it is very important to play the early game clean to be guaranteed to get fed.

Tahm Kench Champion Build Guide

Tahm Kench Build: Rune Builds

Grasp is clearly the best keystone on Tahm Kench. This rune allows for short trades, especially at low levels. The damage and healing depend on your maximum HP, this value is naturally high on Tahm Kench and is always increased by his items.

Shield Bash works great with your E’s low cooldown and can help with relevant damage on big shields.

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Finally, you should go Legend: Alacrity instead of Legend: Tenacity in almost every scenario, as Attack Speed synergizes extremely well with your Passive, giving you stacks for your Ult as quickly as possible.

Tahm Kench Guide: Early Game

The Tahm Kench Early Game is extremely strong, as mentioned above in our Champion Guide, but you still have to play it right. In the first 3 levels, you should only take short trades, either Qs or Grasp Auto attacks. For long trades, Tahm Kench has too high cooldowns and has rather below-average damage without his abilities.

The strong phase starts at levels 4-5 when you’ve packed a few points into the Q. The damage of the Q increases with every level by 50, which is an extremely high value. Additionally, the cooldown goes down, so you can now start taking longer trades. In general, if you lose 200 HP on a trade and your opponent only loses 150, the trade is still good for you because Tahm Kench has much better healing than any other toplander.

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The basic combo on the lane is Q (with Slow) and then W under the opponent. Since he is slowed down, he most likely won’t get out of the W and will be thrown up. Now you can go all-in with auto attacks and more Qs.

Tahm Kench Guide: Ultimate

Once you get the Tahm Kench Ult, your champ is now most likely the strongest character in the game even without a feed. You are able to ult an opponent in the middle of the lane and spit them all the way into your tower. This is fatal for just about any champion, especially in the early game, and even allows you to win 1v2 situations.

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If you get 3 stacks on your passive and your opponent flushed away or otherwise escaped, you can press Q and R to engulf him from long range. Since the opponent has already used his escape, he certainly won’t be able to get out of the situation.

Many players know how strong Tahm Kench’s ult is and play much safer once you reach level 6. To still gain an advantage, you should freeze the wave as close to your tower as possible. As soon as the opponent goes forward to load sit, you can simply run him down with Ghost and Q and spit him back into your tower.

Tahm Kench Guide: Mid and Late Game

After the laning phase, you should have already built up a significant lead. This makes it possible for you to continue to win 1v1 against most champions. However, you are now no longer immortal in outnumbered situations and generally shouldn’t bounce your W into too many opponents.

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Fights for objectives should simply be played front-to-back, meaning you face-check bushes, tank the skill shots, and serve as a shield for your team. If enemies do get too close, you can force an Engage by pressing Q > W. Don’t forget that you can also save teammates from unpleasant situations with your Ult.

Tahm Kench Guide: Good and Bad Matchups

Tahm Kench has some difficult matchups, but you can beat even those in the lane. These include Shen, Volibear, Gwen, and Fiora, for example. While Shen and Volibear can stabilize Tahm Kench’s strong laning phase, Gwen and Fiora are simply stronger in 1v1 later in the game, making them a great threat as split pushers.

Against pretty much every other champion, he has an easy laning phase. Especially popular champions in Low Elo like Garen, Tryndamere or Malphite are very easy for Tahm Kench. He does more damage and is more tanky than them, making him superior to these champions in almost every phase of the game.

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