League of Legends Guides- Sylas, Sprinkler of Chains

This guide will show you how to use Sylas most effectively at every stage of the game and in which situations he becomes an absolute monster. Due to his strong fights in mid and late game, he became one of the best and most popular mid laners patch after patch. So if you’re looking for a new Mid Laner who is currently performing extremely well in both Pro-Play and SoloQ, look no further than Sylas!

Sylas gets his first nerf in patch 11.15. But don’t worry, he’s still incredibly strong and with this guide you won’t have any problems after Wednesday!

Sylas is currently benefiting tremendously from the mid-game oriented meta and is extremely strong in Drake and Herald fights. He can easily compensate for his relatively weak lane by playing passively and makes almost every mid laner look weak after the laning phase at the latest.
look weak.

Sylas Champion Guide

Sylas Runes and Item builds

Conqueror suits Sylas extremely well, as he can often drag out fights due to his heal. This gives him a lot of stats and additional healing with Conqueror. Because of his initial mana problems, most Sylas players make use of the rune Presence of Mind, which gives him a more comfortable lane and safe mid-game fights.

Finally, Cosmic Insight is an extremely fitting rune for Sylas’ playstyle. Both his teleport and his active items Everfrost and Zhonyas have a lower cooldown. This is a great advantage for a bruiser, as it increases the chance of using your
to activate your spells and items more than once in a fight.

  • You want more input about Mythic AP Items? Then have a look at the options for Sylas!

Sylas Guide: Early Game

Sylas’ early game is below average. Because he is melee and causes very little damage at the beginning, he is pushed in by almost every enemy midlaner. Be sure to signal to your jungle that you probably can’t move to it in a scuttle fight. Try to get CS with your Q while taking as little damage as possible. Then, when you have some points in your W, you can slowly start taking trades. There are two ways you can play these.

The first way starts with your W on the enemy champion and you I’d right out to not get any damage from the opponent. This is much more effective in Low Elo than in High Elo, as you will get into critical range for the W more often. Against opponents in High Elo, you can start with the E, then WQ on the opponent, and run back out. It’s super important to understand that once you activate your abilities, you will do next to no damage and thus be outtraded from everything. So rather wait out your abilities and start trading again.

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Sylas Guide: Mid Game

If you did well in the early game, Sylas is an incredibly strong champion by nature in the mid-game. If you have your W gemaxxed, you can play Skirmishes very easily and even win outnumbered at times. Now it’s important to figure out which Ultimates you want to steal. The best Ultimates for Sylas are for example those of Malphite, Hecarim, Alistar, Seraphine, or Ashe.

In general, the best Ults are always the ones that cause a lot of CC, because due to the weakened scaling, stolen Ults cause less damage than the original version, but the CC remains identical. As Sylas you should try to survive in fights as long as possible, because your
because your W gives your champ a lot of value if you don’t get geoneshotted. So try not to jump into 4 opponents, but play slow fights.

Sylas Guide: Late Game

Sylas’ late game is extremely dependent on the opponent’s ultimates. If he can steal one or two good Ultimates, then he is still extremely strong in the Late Game. Now you should have enough AP by now that you can kill enemy carries with one rotation. So
you can now take on the role of an Assassin. Here the position is the most important factor, try to keep it secret.

With a sweeper in your luggage you look for a bush without enemy vision and wait here for a suitable victim. Even if this playstyle doesn’t work, Sylas is still above average in normal fights, especially with good Ults.

You wonder what you can do if Sylas is banned? No problem! We always have the latest Tier Lists for you – here you can find the best Mid Laner for Patch 11.14

Sylas Guide: Good and bad matchups

As mentioned above, Sylas is a very weak laner. Accordingly, he loses to just about every champion on the lane. So the weakest matchups are champions that can scale against him for free and at the same time don’t have a good ult that Sylas can steal. Examples here are: Vel’Koz, Kassadin, Cassiopeia or Ziggs.

Sylas doesn’t have really good matchups, but certainly good ult that he can steal. So Malphite, Hecarim, Alistar, Seraphine or Ashe are very clear signals that a Sylas pick
would be good here! Orient a potential Sylas pick to opposing Ultimates rather than the actual matchup.

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