League of Legends Guides- Lux Champion

It’s Lux’s turn in the Champion Guide. In our of Legends Champion Guide series, we will introduce you to the most important mechanics of all Champions. We will show you gameplay, runes, items, and generally everything there is to know about these champions. Today we have found something against the darkness of Runeterra. Lux, in German: Licht. Imaginative.

Besides the Lux Champion Guide, we’ve already had a few other champions on the test bench. Take a look if you don’t know exactly how to deal with Yone and Akali. Of course, there’s also some not-so-skill-heavy fare on the menu: Jinx, for example, or Ahri you can handle, I believe in you.

Writing a champion guide for Lux makes as much sense as going to the dentist regularly. It makes a lot of sense, because believe it or not, Lux has some mechanics you should know if you want to activate the full Laser SuperBeam power.

Lux Champion Guide: Mechanics and Gameplay

With Lux, you have a very strong laning phase. With the huge range and especially the potential to push out immense damage at this range, you are the pain in the… lower body area of the opponents. You know what I mean.

Is Lux a support champion?

Yes, Lux is best played in the support position. There she is the most popular and has the highest win rate. This champion guide is also designed for Lux as support. This is for one main reason: Lux has taken a part-time job as Enchanter support since her W is double shielded. Despite this, she is still a painter full-time and paints your screens gray. This makes Lux in the support position one of the most annoying champions in all the guides we’ve released so far.

What makes Lux additionally very attractive at the support position is her mechanic, with the E-ability to uncover bushes. And when I say “additionally attractive”, that must mean something, because oh boy, Lux is already very good-looking. Anyway, you can check two bushes at the same time on the bot lane, for example. Who needs Wards when you have our Lux Champion Guide at your disposal, I ask you.

The possibilities you have with this spell are endless! Passes on top and bot lane, multiple bushes at once, zoning potential. It’s almost like a birthday. Jesus’. So Christmas…

Lux Mechanics for the guaranteed one-shot.

If you’re reading this champion guide, you’ve probably messed up the order of Lux abilities a few times. No problem, everyone messes up sometimes. For example, I put my shoes on my hands this morning, that’s why I write weird. You can play Lux even if you have sneakers on your hands.

For example, if you slow enemies with the E and cast your Ultimate at the same time, you can then trigger both at the same time. This way you get double passive proc because one triggers the other at the same time. So the next time you’re wondering where all that damage is suddenly coming from, this Lux Champion Guide is your answer.

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You can also create the element of surprise quite well with a certain Lux Mechanic. The Q usually hits two enemies. So if you have good aim. For example, place yourself directly behind a Minion and throw the Q through the Minion, the opponent will never expect that! Especially not if he is still at the bottom of the elo ladder. Thank me later.

Of course, if you can then root the enemy, everything on it that goes! Trigger passives and again and again. And remember: Don’t be so squeamish with your Ultimate, it has virtually no cooldown!

That’s it for our Lux Champion Guide for today. If you want the short version of the thousand lines of text, check out the video, where we have summarized the whole thing for you in two measly minutes. And it contains everything you need.

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League of Legends is one of the most popular video of all time. Over 100 million people dabble in the MOBA from Riot Games. Almost 90% of the player base is in the Iron to the Gold range. The often-mentioned “Elohell” makes some League of Legends players struggles. Our LoL guides are here to help. We’ll show you practical tips and tricks that will help you improve your ranking.