League of Legends Guides- Lillia, The Shy Blossom

This champion guide presents you with Lillia, but not as usual in the Jungle, but on the Toplane. Due to the changes in patch 11.14 she was not only improved in the Jungle, but also in the Toplane. At the moment, she is still quite underestimated despite the fact that she can keep up with almost any bruiser and becomes a monster in the late game.

Lillia is one of the best counters against bruisers with her high speed and great burst potential and still has enough damage to run down a tank as well. This makes her very flexible on the lane and also in the later game you can adapt the playstyle to the opposing comp.

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Lillia Build: Runes and Items

Conqueror works great with Lillia because she instantly generates 4 stacks with a single Q (since her passive counts as an ability). Since she is a fan of longer fights anyway, the Keystone suits her very well. Boneplating is necessary to avoid being geoneshotted both on the lane and later in the game.

The combination of Riftmaker and Frozen Heart is essential for the item to build. Both items give you the possibility to get a lot of value from long fights. The mana of Frozen Heart ensures that you are never mana-less.

Lillia Guide: Early Game

Lillia’s early game is slightly weaker compared to other planners. In the first levels, you should token with Qs as much as possible and generally play safe. Only once she has some points in her Q can the fun begin. Now she is too fast for other champions to keep up. First, generate Q stacks of minions and then start running towards the enemy champion. You will be able to catch up with them in any case and chunk extremely.

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If the opponent has less than 50% of his life and you hit an E, it is extremely important to execute the combo properly to generate a safe kill. Once the E is in place, fire the Ult and then immediately fire a Q before the opponent falls asleep. Once he falls asleep, wait for the full stun duration so you can land another Q right after the W. This combo does 60-70% of the maximum HP damage to most champions.

Lillia Guide: Mid- and Late Game

After the laning phase, you are both a strong duelist and team fighter. If the opponent is looking for fights, you should group with your team. If not, you can continue to try to kill the opponent’s toplaner. Pay special attention to Gap-Close Abilities, because they are the natural counter to Lillia. Once the opponent has ignited them, you can run at them without worry and force a fight with the Ult.

Lillia Guide: Good and bad matchups

Lillia likes to play against champions that don’t have much range, but don’t have many tools to get to her. Accordingly, lane bullies like Tahm Kench, Sett, Mordekaiser or Renekton are absolutely no problem. She also handles bruisers like Jax, Gwen, or Aatrox with ease.

Lillia’s bad matchups are champions with high burst and high mobility. Camille, Irelia and Darius with Ghost are very hard matchups to avoid. Accordingly, Lillia should not be blindpicked, as her counters can make the lane extremely difficult for you, especially if you don’t get help from your jungler.

This Lillia Champion Guide was written by Kamon & Autophil – two of the top 500 LoL players who also provide coaching. If you are interested in more, just click through to their account: @GetGoodCoaching.

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