League of Legends Guides- Lillia Builds and Runes

With patch 10.15, Lillia the shy flower joined of Legends. You want to test the fawn in the jungle or on the lane? We have the best build and runes for you – and explain how the new champion is best played.

Lillia is a special kind of champion, because she is a Battle Mage. This means that you deal magic damage with her, but move into melee range to do so. Her kit is based on playing around enemies, seeking combat again and again, and then moving to medium range. The longer the fight, the more Movement Speed you build up. Lillia’s core ability is the Q – in the outer area, you use it to cause True DMG, you deadly to enemy tanks and carries.

Lillia’s Runes

The best runes for the new LoL champion depend on their role. The
most you will probably see and play them in the Jungle, so let’s start with the Jungle build:

Lillia Jungle

Lillia is all about damage. Her kit is not good for simply tanking fights. You will get stronger over time. Try to get a lot of Dark Harvest stacks by actively tanking, and you’ll be ready for the mid and late game. If you get kills early, your biggest power spike will be at level 9, at which point your Q will be at rank 5 and you should have the tier 2 boots. That way no one will be able to get away from you, let alone come after you.

Your AOE damage will give you an enormous amount of Dark Harvest stacks over the course of Team Fights, and you’ll quickly become a huge threat. Combined with the heal aspects of the runes and the 8% additional DMG on targets below 40%, you are a real staff-wielding threat to the entire enemy team.

Here is the build for Lillia’s Jungle:

It is impossible to set a fixed order for the items. Always make the build dependent on how your game is going. Sometimes you can probably buy extremely offensive items, sometimes you should be careful.

Lillia’s core items and a must have are:

  • The Jungle Item with the Enchantment: Rune Echo.
  • Mercury’s Shoes – Combined with the runes, you are virtually immune to CC and can make sure no one escapes or gets behind your game of tag.
  • Rylais Crystal Scepter – Did we tell you about Lillia’s awesome Movement Speed and her AOE damage? Rylais is the ultimate weapon to make it an AOE slow.

You should always adapt the rest of the items to the game.

If you plan to play Lillia on mid or top lane, the build remains essentially the same. The Jungler item is best replaced with a Hextech proto belt or a defensive item with cooldown reduction. The proto belt is awesome for gaining or decreasing distance, and you can use it perfectly to provide a big burst after your W or your R.

Lillia Lane Runes

On the lane you don’t need Attack Speed, because you work much less with your Auto-Attacks. So: brute force and strength. This build gives you bonuses to your movement speed. Combined with Phase Rush, you’ll sprint á la Rammus after your Ulti and catch the enemy carries for sure.

Since Champion doesn’t have the strongest early game and you naturally want to roam through the river with Lilia, you can alternatively play Runes with a bit more defense.

For both lane builds, you need to pay attention to whether you are playing against AD or AP champions. Depending on that, you should choose armor or magic resistance.

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