League of Legends Guides- How to get better!

is not an easy game. In the beginning, you get better by just playing. However, as in all walks of life, you will eventually reach a plateau if you don’t actively try to get better. This is where our ultimate comes into play.

We give you 10 tips to help you improve your rank. This is EarlyGames LoL 2021.

Tips & Tricks for advanced players

This LoL guide is for players who have been playing for a while and have reached the plateau mentioned above. We will give you 10 tips and tricks that you can easily implement. These tips come from the EarlyGame community. If you have more tips that have helped you or friends, come to our LoL Discord channel.

If you are a complete beginner, this guide is probably not for you. But don’t worry, we have something in store for you too:

  • The best League of Legends champions for beginners
  • The great League of Legends Warding Guide
  • League of Legends Jungle Guide 1: Plants & Camps

Now that that’s out of the way, let’s get started:

Become better in LoL – 10 tips

  1. Flex-picks, counter-picks and blind-picks
  2. Identify strong- and weak-side
  3. Use Lan-Swaps
  4. Prevent invades
  5. Interpret the objective timer correctly
  6. Use time windows
  7. Manipulate Minion Waves
  8. Rift Herald
  9. Use teleport correctly
  10. Staying Up-to-Date

1. how to use flex picks, counter picks and blind picks

Weird Flex, but ok…

As you all know, the game starts in the champion select. You probably know what the best runes are on most heroes, but do you know how to get the most out of Champ Select?

  • Flex pick: Champions like Wukong and Karma can be played in multiple positions. Picking a flexible champ makes it harder for your opponents to counter-pick you.
  • Counter-Pick: Especially important for the toplane. Always ask your ADC, or jungler if they can trade with you. The later you pick your champion, the better.
  • Blind Pick: Champions like Ezreal, Orianna or Sion are hard to counter. If you need to pick your hero early, you should have a good blind pick ready. Here is a good article on blind picks.

2. identify weak-side and strong-side

Each team should have at least one lane where they are stronger than their opponent. If your botlane is Jinx + Jenna, but the toplane match-up is Darius vs. Singed, then you know which lane is stronger.

Of course, this can change during the game. If the Jinx + Jenna lane gets a lot of kills, they may well become your strong-side.

3 How to use lane swaps

Lane swaps can be used in two ways. The first is to escape a miserable match-up. Usually, top and mid lane swap then, because the heroes usually work on both lanes.

Sometimes it is also useful to swap top and botlane after taking an objective like the first tower or a dragon. To take full advantage of a strong Botlane, you can then send it Toplane to take the Tower and Herald there.

4. how to prevent invades.

Even in Ranked, people are often surprised by Invades because Midlane or Toplane put AFK on their tower. There are only four entrances to the Jungle. With five people you should be able to guard them. This is where you should stand:

If you stand at these positions on Summoner’s Rift, you will never be surprised by Invades again.

5 How to interpret Objective Timers correctly

If you press the Tab key, you can see the timers for all Objectives like Red- and Blue-Buff but also Dragon and Baron. It is important to interpret these timers correctly. If Dragon spawns in 45 seconds it is probably already too late to go shopping. If the opponent’s Red Buff is up, the Enemy Jungler is probably moving towards the plane.

6. when and how to take Dragons

Try to prepare to take the dragon as early as possible, even if you are ahead. Ward at key entrances to the river so you can see when opponents are approaching.

But even if the opponents are stronger right now, there are situations where you can make the Dragon: The enemy jungler is topside right now? Go for the Drake! The enemy botlane backed at a bad time? Kill the Lindworm!

7. how to manipulate waves

This is a rather complex topic and we can only go into it superficially without going beyond the scope. Here are the most important things in a nutshell:

  • When to push: When you kill the enemy laner, push the minions to his tower as fast as possible. You can also push if you want to a) lure the enemy jungler or b) roam.
  • When to slow-push: Slow pushes are most effective when set before you take Objectives. Then the other team has to decide if they want to lose a tower or the objective.
  • When to freeze: When you are stronger than the enemy laner and want to make sure he gets as little CS as possible. A good freeze can cost him every single minion in the best case.

8. how to use the Rift Herald correctly.

Shelly is most effective when she can actually take a tower. If she just rams it, but it’s still standing for 10 minutes, she was more of a waste of time. Here are a few ways to use the Rift Herald wisely:

The Rift Herald is one of the more complicated objectives.
  • Get Platings: If not a Turret, Shelly should at least get the gold from Platings. This is good way to help out a weak lane.
  • Fetch Tower: Remember, the less platings a tower has, the less damage you do to it. Shelly does True Damage with her Charge. That’s why she is most effective when the Turret has only 3 Plates left.
  • Split Push: If you want to take an Objective, it can be useful to place the Herald on the other side of the map. This has the same effect as a slow push.
  • Victories: If you can work as a team to make sure the enemies can’t do any damage to Shelly, Shelly can easily charge three times.

9 How to use teleport

If you take teleport with you, it is very important that you use it actively. Always just porting back to the lane is an absolute waste. Use TP for one of three things:

  • Split Push: Whenever the opponents want to take an objective you have to be ready to support your team.
  • TP Plays: Whether you’re porting behind the enemy backline or saving your botlane from a gank, TP is perfect for creating an unexpected man advantage.
  • Port back to the lane: Only use TP to ported to the lane if you would otherwise miss out on oodles of CS and experience. Instead, try to catch better back timings.

10. stays up to date

The last tip of our LoL Guide 2021 is: Stay Up-to-Date.

I know this tip is a bit lame, but it’s still important. League of Legends thrives on change. Every two weeks the can change completely. Your favorite champion can become complete garbage from one day to the next. If you want to get better, you have to stay up to date.

LoL Guides – Champions, Masteries, Items, and more – With our tips you will get better in ranking.

League of Legends is a diverse game with many elements that need to be considered for a successful Ranked. In our detailed LoL guides, we try to give you some tips and tricks as detailed as possible. If you follow our LoL guides, you will conquer the Ranked ladder in League of Legends in no time.

League of Legends is one of the most popular video games of all time. Over 100 million people dabble in the MOBA from Riot Games. Almost 90% of the player base is in the Iron to the Gold range. The often-mentioned “Elohell” makes some League of Legends players struggles. Our LoL guides are here to help. We’ll show you practical tips and tricks that will help you improve your ranking.