League of Legends Guides- Gwen

Gwen has been in our beloved Rift for a few months now. Since then, the of Legends champ has undergone some nerfs and buffs and nerfs. However, Gwen is still one of the best top laners in the meta and that’s why we’re going to show you how to best play her.

Since Gwen entered the Rift with patch 11.8, a lot has changed. Players have been trying out different builds after their buffs and nerfs. We’ll show you how to best play the Blue Haired Top Lane Champ and what items you should on her.

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What abilities does Gwen have?

We’ve already looked at what her abilities do in detail in a previous article. But here’s a quick rundown of her abilities so you don’t have to read through everything.

  • Q: Snip Snip: Gwen cuts two to six times in quick succession with her scissors, dealing magic damage in a cone-shaped area.
  • W: Sanctified Mist: Gwen summons the Sanctified Mist, which envelops her for five seconds and gives her armor and magic resistance while she is in it. Enemies outside the mist cannot target Gwen or hit her with abilities.
  • E: Scissor Leap: Gwen leaps forward a short distance, boosting her attacks with greater range, speed, and magic damage on hits for four seconds.
  • R: Needlework: Gwen can cast Needlework up to three times, but must hit an enemy within 8 seconds to cast the ability again.

It is best to max her Q , as this is her main Damage. After that, max her E and lastly her W.

Which runes should Gwen have?

So build LoL Pros like “Miracle” Gwen.

The best rune choice for Gwen is probably Conqueror. Demolish to push the split and Bone Plating for the trades on the lane. That’s the meta and that’s how Gwen is currently played with the highest winrate.

But why Conqueror? Well, to get the most out of Gwen you always have to stack her Q and you do that with her auto attacks. So she will get her Q and Conqueror full. With that, Gwen’s abilities can really bang out damage in the end.

Presance of Mind will give you an easier lane and more resources to trade.

Which items should Gwen build?

Gwen has only one skin so far. Sad.

When playing against AD champs, Seeker’s Armguard is very good. With it, Gwen can play safely in the early game. Because she’s not as tanky, it also makes her more vulnerable.

In the current meta, Riftmaker is the best Mystic item on Gwen. The extra health stats and 8% Omnivampir give her incredible sustain in long fights. Each additional item gives her, even more, AP and Omnivampir due to Riftmaker’s Mythic Passive!

The second item you almost always build is Nashor’s Tooth since Gwen is very focused on her auto attacks and you get a strong power spike very early. This item will give her AP and attack speed. Thus, she can stack her Q and then bust out the damage. In the late game, she just one-shots enemies.

The third item is Cosmic Drive for additional speed and mobility. This item fits very well with Gwen because she benefits from all stats of Cosmic Drive.

The best Gwen item build.

A complete build might then look like this: Riftmaker-Nashors’s Tooth-Cosmic Drive-Zhonyas-Rabadons

What else should you remember about Gwen?

  • Gwen is quite weak at the beginning of the game because she is very squishy. But as soon as she has two items, the game really starts for her. That’s why you should be a bit careful with her in the early game.
  • Her Ulti re-sets if you use an Auto-Attack in between. So it doesn’t help to click ‘R’ all the time, but you still have to attack an enemy to get the full 3 Charges.
  • Your W protects you from attacks outside the fog. So, if or Ezreal unleash their Ultis, you are safe in the fog. If the attack comes from a champ who is also in the fog, it’s a completely different story. Therefore be careful! Make sure that no opponents are in the fog during the team fight.

So there you have the ultimate Gwen Guide with some and tricks of her Abilities with which you can the SoloQ! Have fun in Top Lane with this unique champ!

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