League of Legends Champions Guides 1- Wild Rift – Part 2

Everyone has heard of by now. Not much is known about Wild Rift, the upcoming version for consoles and mobile. Wild Rift is expected to enter beta soon – and with 41 playable champions. While we all wait for a firm release date, we thought we’d help get to know the game’s champions in advance in a four-part series. An early EarlyGame to the Wild Rift Champions.

While of Legends has 148 champions, Wild Rift will launch with 41 champions – but that’s subject to change. This will make it easier to get started with the game, as many players looking forward to Wild Rift probably aren’t as familiar with LoL Champions. That’s why we’ve taken the liberty of providing a sort of overview, or early guide, to all the Wild Rift Champions, so you can get your head around them a bit.

Admittedly, there is not a lot of solid information about Wild Rift, but on the official League of Legends website you can find spotlights on each LoL Champion. So we’ve taken a look there and compiled the ones you can play in Wild Rift here:


“Ezreal is a dashing adventurer who is unaware of his gift for the magical arts. He plunders long-forgotten catacombs, gets involved in ancient curses, and handles seemingly hopeless situations with ease. His bravery and daring know no bounds. He prefers to get out of any situation thanks to his improvisational skills, relying only partly on his intellect. Mostly, however, he relies on his mystical shurimanic glove to unleash devastating arcane explosions. One thing is for sure – wherever Ezreal goes, trouble follows on his heels. Or it runs ahead of him. Or both.”

    Ezreal gains additional attack speed each time he successfully hits with an ability. This effect can be increased up to 5 times.
    Ezreal fires a damage-dealing energy bolt that slightly reduces all of his cooldowns when he hits an enemy.
    Ezreal fires a bullet that sticks to the first champion or target hit. If Ezreal hits an enemy with the orb, it explodes and deals damage.
    Ezreal teleports to the nearby target location and fires a homing projectile at the nearest enemy unit. Prioritizes enemies that have “essence flux” attached to them.
    Ezreal lashes out to unleash a powerful, energy-laden barrage that deals massive damage to any unit hit in its flight. Damage is reduced for minions and non-epic monsters.


“Fiora, Valoran’s most feared duelist, is known as much for her gruff manner and cunning as for the speed of her blue steel rapier. A scion of House Laurent in the kingdom of Demacia, Fiora took control of her family after a scandal nearly destroyed them. The reputation of House Laurent was ruined, but Fiora did everything she could to restore her family’s honor and restore it to its rightful place among Demacia’s aristocracy.”

  • DANCE OF THE DUELLANT (passive).
    Fiora challenges nearby enemy champions to dodge her. She indicates a direction from which she will attempt to strike. If she is able to overcome her own challenge, she receives a small bonus and gives a new direction.
    Fiora lunges in one direction and stabs a nearby enemy, dealing normal damage and triggering hit effects.
    Fiora parries all incoming damage and incapacitating attacks. She then stabs in one direction. This stab slows or stuns the first enemy champion hit if Fiora blocks an incapacitating effect with this ability.
    For the next two attacks, Fiora has increased running speed. The 1st attack will slow the target, the 2nd attack will critically hit.
    Fiora exposes all 4 of the enemy champion’s weak points and gains additional run speed if she is near them. If Fiora hits all 4 weak points or the target dies after she hits at least once, Fiora and her allies within range will be healed for a few seconds.


“Fizz is an amphibious yordle that likes to hang out in the reefs around Bilgewater. He often retrieves tithes from the sea that have been thrown overboard by superstitious captains and hands them back to their owners. However, despite this kindness, even the most cocky sailors usually prefer to avoid him, as the stories told about him revolve mostly around the many souls who have underestimated this elusive creature. He is often mistaken for a capricious sea spirit, commands huge beasts from the deep, and loves to lead allies and enemies alike around by the nose.”

  • FIZZED FIGHTER (passive).
    Fizz can move through units and takes reduced damage of a fixed amount from all sources.
    Fizz leaps through his target, dealing magic damage and triggering hit effects.
    Fizz’s attacks cause his opponents to bleed, causing them to take additional magic damage over the course of a few seconds. Fizz can boost his next attack, causing him to deal additional damage and making his other attacks stronger for a short time.
    Fizz leaps into the air, landing deftly on his spear, and cannot be targeted. From this position, Fizz can crash to the ground with momentum or jump one more time.
    Fizz throws a fish in one direction, which attaches itself to a champion on contact and slows it down. After a short delay, a shark erupts from the ground, throwing the target up and other nearby enemies to the side. Opponents hit take magic damage and are slowed.


“A proud and noble warrior, Garen fights in the Fearless Vanguard. Beloved by his comrades and respected by his opponents, he is not least a descendant of the renowned Kronwacht family that defends Demacia and its ideals. Wearing magic-resistant armor and wielding a mighty broadsword, Garen faces off against mages and spellcasters on the battlefield in a veritable whirlwind of righteous steel.”

  • RESILIENCE (passive).
    If Garen has not taken damage recently and has not been hit by enemy abilities, he regenerates a percentage of his maximum life every second.
    Garen gains extra running speed and frees himself from all slowdowns. His next attack hits a vital area of his opponent, dealing additional damage and silencing the target.
  • MUT
    Garen passively increases armor and magic resistance when he kills enemies. Also, he can activate this ability to gain a shield and toughness for a short moment. After that, he receives a smaller amount of damage reduction over a longer period of time.
    Garen makes his sword whirl quickly around his body, dealing normal damage to nearby enemies.
    Garen summons the power of Demacia and attempts to execute the enemy champion.


“Gragas is equal parts serene and imposing, and a formidable, scrappy brewmaster whose job is to craft the perfect pint of ale. He hails from lands unknown and is now in search of rare ingredients in the pristine Freljord to round out his recipe. Often drunk and thus extremely impulsive, he quickly became notorious for his legendary brawls that last all night and cause decent property damage. When Gragas shows up, drinking and destruction follow on his heels – in that exact order.”

  • FREE BEER (passive)
    Gragas takes a sip when using an ability and regains 6% of his maximum life. This effect can only occur once every 8 seconds.
    Gragas rolls his barrel to a target location. The barrel can either be detonated manually or it will automatically explode after 4 seconds. Enemies caught in the blast will be slowed.
    Gragas drinks from his barrel for 1 second. He then goes into a frenzy, dealing magic damage to all nearby enemies with his next normal attack and taking less damage himself.
    Gragas charges to the target location, ramming the first enemy he comes across with his stomach, dealing damage to all nearby enemies and stunning them.
    Gragas hurls his barrel towards the target location, dealing damage and knocking back hit enemies in the blast radius.


“Janna has the mighty winds of Runeterra on her side, is a mysterious wind spirit and the protector of the poor of Zhaun. Some believe she was called into being by the sailors of Runeterra, who asked for favorable winds when they had to navigate treacherous waters and brave rough storms. Her favor and protection are invoked by many in the depths of Zhaun, where Janna has become a shining light of hope. No one knows exactly where or when she will appear, but in most cases she wants to help.”

  • BACKWIND (passive)
    Janna’s movement speed is passively increased by 8%. This bonus is also granted to nearby allied champions when they move towards Janna. Janna’s normal attacks deal additional magic damage based on her extra run speed.
    By changing the pressure and temperature in one location, Janna can create a small storm that increases in size over time. When she then activates the spell again, she releases the storm. When released, the storm flies in the direction it was cast. As it does so, it flings all enemies in its path into the air and deals damage to them.
    Janna summons an air elemental that passively increases her movement speed and lets her pass through units. She can also activate this ability to deal damage and reduce the running speed of enemies. The passive is lost when this ability wears off.
    Janna summons a defensive gust that protects an allied champion or rook from damage and increases its attack damage.
    Janna surrounds herself with a magical storm that knocks enemies back. After the storm subsides, nearby allies are healed by soothing winds as long as the ability is active.


“Unrivaled in his use of unique weapons as well as biting sarcasm, Jax is also the last known weapons master of Icathia. After the inhabitants of his homeland unleashed the Void in a fit of hubris, destroying their land in the process, Jax and the others of his kind swore to protect what remained. Now, magic rears its head again in this world, and so does the slumbering danger, so Jax roams Icathias Valoran with the last of the light. All the warriors he meets along the way he tests to see if they are strong enough to fight beside him.”

    Jax’s successive normal attacks keep increasing his attack speed.
    Jax jumps to a unit. If this is an enemy, he strikes it with his weapon.
    Jax charges his weapon with energy, which will cause his next attack to deal additional damage.
    Jax’s combat skill allows him to momentarily dodge all attacks and then stun surrounding enemies with a quick counterattack.
    Every 3rd consecutive attack deals additional magic damage. Jax can also activate this ability to strengthen his resolve, briefly increasing his armor and magic resistance.


“Jhin is a meticulous and criminal psychopath who believes murder is art. He was once an Ionian prisoner, but shady characters in Ionia’s ruling council freed the serial killer. Now he serves as an assassin in their intrigues. Jhin sees his weapon as an instrument with which he creates brutal works of art that give nightmares to both his victims and the witnesses of his deeds. His gruesome productions give him a diabolical satisfaction, making him the 1st choice when it comes to sending the most effective of messages: Fear and terror.”

  • WHISPER (passive)
    Jhin’s Whisper pistol is a precise killing tool designed for maximum damage. It has a fixed rate of fire and only 4 rounds of ammunition. Jhin enchants the last bullet with dark magic to make it hit critically and deal additional damage to low life targets.
    Jhin shoots a magic shell at an enemy. This can hit up to four targets and its damage increases each time it kills.
    Jhin swings his cane and fires a single shot with incredible range. The shot pierces minions and monsters, but sticks in the first champion hit. If the target has recently taken damage from Jhin’s allies, lotus traps, or Jhin himself, it becomes stuck.
    Jhin places an invisible lotus trap that blossoms when someone steps on it. It slows nearby enemies before dealing damage with an explosion of jagged leaves. Beauty of Death – When Jhin kills an enemy champion, a lotus trap blooms next to the corpse.
    Jhin channels and transforms Whisper into a megacannon, which he carries on his shoulder. Whisper can fire 4 super shots that have extremely long range and pierce minions and monsters, but get stuck in the first champion hit. Whisper slows down the enemies it hits and deals damage to low life targets. The 4th shot is perfect, especially powerful and a guaranteed critical hit.


“Jinx is a manic and impulsive criminal from Zhaun who causes chaos without caring about the consequences. With the help of her arsenal of deadly weapons, she leaves a trail of destruction full of explosions. Jinx abhors boredom and is not afraid to impose her idea of perfect chaos at every turn.”

  • I’M GOING CRAZY! (passive)
    Jinx gains a massive run speed bonus and attack speed whenever she deals damage to an enemy champion, epic monster, or building, which then die or are destroyed within 3 seconds.
    Jinx adjusts her normal attacks by switching between Peng-Peng, her minigun, and Gräte, her rocket launcher. Attacks with Peng-Peng grant attack speed, while attacks with Gräte deal area damage, grant increased range, and drain mana.
  • BRZL.
    Jinx uses Brzler, her shock pistol, to fire a shot that deals damage to the first enemy hit, slowing and revealing them.
    Jinx throws a series of slowdown grenades that explode after 5 seconds, setting enemies ablaze. Flame Eaters will lock onto enemy champions that run over them, pinning them in place.
    Jinx fires a super missile across the map that gains damage in flight. The missile explodes when it collides with an enemy champion, then deals damage to that champion and enemies around it, the amount of which depends on their lack of life.


“Luxanna Kronwacht hails from Demacia, an isolated realm where magic is met with fear and suspicion. Able to bend light to her will, in her younger years she had to keep her abilities secret to avoid being exiled and to protect her family’s honor and reputation. But thanks to her optimism and adaptability, Lux made peace with her talents and now secretly uses them in the service of her homeland.”

  • LIGHTING (passive).
    Lux’s damage spells charge the target with light energy for 6 seconds. Your next attack ignites this energy, dealing additional magical damage to the target depending on Lux’s level.
    Lux hurls a ball of light that traps and damages up to 2 enemy units.
    Lux casts her wand, bending light around any allied targets hit, protecting them from enemy damage.
    Hurls an anomaly of swirling light into an area, slowing nearby enemies. Lux can blast it to deal damage to enemies in the area of effect.
    After Lux charges up enough energy, she releases a beam of light that deals damage to all targets in the casting area. It also triggers Lux’s passive ability and renews the duration of the “Enlightenment” debuff.

Part 2 of 4

That’s it for part 2 of the guides to the champions in the upcoming Wild Rift. We are far from finished, because Wild Rift will come out with 41 champions in total. Until we continue with part 3, here on EarlyGame you can read more about Wild Rift and League of Legends and of course our Wild Rift Champions Guide Part 1.

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League of Legends is one of the most popular video games of all time. Over 100 million people dabble in the MOBA from Riot Games. Almost 90% of the player base is in the Iron to the Gold range. The often-mentioned “Elohell” makes some League of Legends players struggles. Our LoL guides are here to help. We’ll show you practical tips and tricks that will help you improve your ranking.