League of Legends Champion – Marksman Miss Fortune

Miss Fortune

A Bilgewater captain famed for her looks but feared for her ruthlessness, Sarah Fortune paints a stark figure among the hardened criminals of the port city. As a child, she witnessed the reaver king Gangplank murder her family—an act she brutally avenged years later, blowing up his flagship while he was still aboard. Those who underestimate her will face a beguiling and unpredictable opponent… and, likely, a bullet or two in their guts.

Like most who rise to notoriety in the twisting, salt-crusted labyrinth of Bilgewater, Sarah Fortune has no shortage of blood on her hands…

Beloved daughter of the renowned gun-dame Abigale Fortune, Sarah spent much of her happy childhood in the forge of their island settlement just off the coast—learning to file wheel locks, set trigger pulls, and even cast batches of custom pistol shot. Her mother’s skill in crafting firearms was legendary, and her bespoke handguns were to be found in the collections of many a wealthy merchant captain.

But oft-times, they were coveted by those with more meager means, and darker hearts.

One such individual was an up-and-coming Bilgewater reaver, known to his crew as Gangplank. Cocksure and certain of his power, he demanded a pair of Fortune pistols the like of which no other man could hope to possess. A reluctant deal was struck, and a year later to the day, Gangplank returned. With no intention of paying for the work, he had masked his face with a grimy scarf. He was there to take the guns by force.

Abigale had crafted two masterpieces, twin hand cannons of exquisite workmanship and pinpoint lethality—indeed, she declared, too fine for the likes of him. She could see the brutish thug that Gangplank had become. Enraged, he seized the pistols and gunned her down with her own creations before turning them on her husband, and young Sarah too. Then, out of nothing but spite, he set the workshop ablaze and smashed both pistols on the cobblestones, to wipe the Fortune legacy from the face of Runeterra completely.

Sarah awoke to agony. Her wounds were grave, but she managed to crawl from the burning ruins with the remains of the two pistols clutched to her chest. In time, her body healed, but waking nightmares and night terrors would torment her for many years to come.

Even so, she endured. She was determined to have vengeance. She rebuilt her mother’s pistols, and learned all she could of the masked murderer who had since declared himself the new reaver king of Bilgewater, and forced even the most influential ship captains to honor his claim.

No matter. When Sarah faced him again, she would be ready.

Taking a ship to Bilgewater Bay, she killed her first man within minutes of setting foot on the crooked timbers of the quayside—a drunken pirate with a gallon of Myron’s Dark in his belly, and a price on his head. Sarah dragged his corpse to the bounty board officials, before tearing off a dozen more warrants and heading off into the city.

Within a week, every one of them was settled, and those with the misfortune to be hunted by Sarah were either dead or in chains. She quickly earned a reputation in the taverns and gambling dens, becoming known only as “Miss Fortune”. Gangplank would never see her coming. What was one more bounty hunter on the streets of his city?

In the years that followed, tales of Miss Fortune’s exploits spread far and wide, each more fanciful than the last. She drowned the leader of the Silk-Knife Corsairs in a barrel of her own stolen rum. She took the Syren from a captain who learned the hard way what it meant to slip a hand where it wasn’t wanted. She tracked the insane Doxy-Ripper to his lair in the belly of a half-dismembered leviathan down on the slaughter docks, and shot him in the back as he fled.

In spite of all this, Gangplank was far too powerful to confront openly, with the fierce Jagged Hooks crew always at his side—but Miss Fortune knew just killing him would never be enough. Only his abject humiliation, and the burning to ash of all he had stolen, would satisfy the girl who had died on the floor of her mother’s workshop.

And so, little by little, she began to surround herself with a small but loyal cadre of allies that would eventually help her lay her demons to rest.

Miss Fortune risked everything to make her move against Gangplank. Plots within plots saw his ship, the Dead Pool, blown to flaming wreckage in the harbor, and the tyrannical reaver king overthrown. Best of all, everyone in Bilgewater saw him fall. It was everything Sarah could have hoped for, exactly as she’d planned.

And it was over in moments.

With Gangplank gone, the other rival captains quickly descended into fighting amongst themselves for control of the city. What little semblance of law there had been was gone in an instant, with countless innocent civilians caught between the warring crews. Reluctantly, Miss Fortune stepped up—as captain of the Syren, and backed by her own people, she brokered an uneasy truce that has somehow held to this day.

But little is ever really permanent in the port city, and Captain Fortune still finds herself having to impose her own brand of order on every reaver, ganglord, and distant threat that comes her way.

Ancient history

When the of Legends was created to prevent further rune wars in Valoran, disputes over battles were settled on the Fields of Justice by having summoners there summon extraordinary beings called Champions to fight against each other. These champions joined the League for a variety of reasons. Some are soldiers loyal to a particular nation and dedicated to the nation’s interests, others are famous warriors who wish to test themselves against Valoran’s most powerful beings. Still others are prisoners of the League who are forced to participate as punishment. Lastly, there may be beings from other who wish to bring stability or chaos to Runeterra. However, regardless of the champions’ reasons, they have all attracted the interest of the .

To join the League, a potential champion, who must have previously proven that he or she possesses exceptional qualities, must travel to the War Academy and undergo a review. There, a selected summoner tests the champion’s spirit to reveal the opponent’s motives. In truth, motives have very little bearing on whether a champion is accepted. The real reason for the League review is to find out if an individual can open their mind to a summoner, allowing the two to form a mental bond and function as one.

Champions in battle

Riot Games is constantly developing new champions for League of Legends. Each champion has individual abilities and characteristics, which a summoner must use wisely. Some champions use pure strength and power, others rely on lethality and devious accuracy, while others use supernatural powers.

League of Legends (LoL for short, initially League of Legends: Clash of Fates) is a game of the Multiplayer Online Battle Arena (MOBA for short) genre developed by Riot Games, originally developed for the Microsoft Windows operating system, but has also been available for macOS since 2013. The game was announced on October 7, 2008 and was in beta from April 10, 2009 to October 26, 2009. The release was on October 27, 2009.

In the beginning, 40 champions were available, with a new one released every two weeks. About 8-10 champions are in development at any given time. Every week there is a free champion rotation of some champions, which are free to play for that time. For those who have purchased the “Collecter’s Edition”, 20 champions are automatically unlocked; the other 20 champions can be purchased via a champion pack in the store. However, each champion can also be purchased with Blue Essence Blue Essence Blue Essence or RP RP RP, or obtained through the Hextech Workshop.

The game is free for all players, the game is mainly funded by cosmetic items that can be purchased via real money.