League of Legends Champion Guides- Wild Rift -Part 3

Everyone has heard of by now. Not much is known about Wild Rift, the version for consoles and mobile. Wild Rift is expected to enter beta soon – and with 41 playable champions. While we all wait for a firm release date, we thought we’d help get to know the game’s champions in advance in a four-part series. An early EarlyGame guide to the Wild Rift Champions.

While of Legends has 148 champions, Wild Rift will launch with 41 champions – but that’s subject to change. This will make it easier to get started with the game, as many players looking forward to Wild Rift are probably not that familiar with LoL Champions. That’s why we’ve taken the liberty of providing a sort of overview, or early guide, to all the Wild Rift Champions, so you can get your head around them a bit.

Admittedly, there is not a lot of solid information about Wild Rift, but on the official League of Legends website you can find spotlights on each LoL Champion. So we’ve taken a look there and compiled the ones you can play in Wild Rift here:


“Malphite is a massive creature of living stone, struggling to establish a blessed order in a chaotic world. Originally serving as a shard to a supernatural obelisk known as the Monolith, he used his formidable elemental powers to protect his progenitor – but ultimately failed. The sole survivor of the ensuing wave of destruction, Malphite now endures Runeterra’s soft population and fickle temperaments as he seeks a task befitting the last of his kind.”

  • GRANITE SHIELD (passive)
    Malphite is protected by a layer of rock that absorbs damage up to 10% of his maximum life. If Malphite is not hit for 10 seconds, this effect is recharged.
    Using his very own elemental magic, Malphite sends a shard of earth through the ground beneath his opponent, dealing damage on impact and robbing the target of movement speed for 3 seconds.
    Malphite attacks with such force that it creates a sonic boom. Over the next few seconds, his attacks trigger an aftershock in front of him.
    Malphite strikes the ground, triggering a shockwave that, depending on his armor, deals magical damage and reduces the attack speed of enemies for a short time.
    Malphite charges wildly at a location, dealing damage to enemies and hurling them into the air.

Master Yi

“Master Yi steeled his body and mind until thoughts and movements became almost one. Although he chooses violence only as a last resort, the grace and speed of his blade ensure that the solution is always swift. One of the last living exponents of Wuju, an Ionian martial art, Yi has made it his life’s work to pass on the of his ancestors. With the Seven Perceptive Glasses of Insight, he scrutinizes new student aspirants to discern the most worthy among them.”

  • DOUBLE PUNCH (passive).
    Every few consecutive normal attacks, Master Yi strikes twice.
    Master Yi teleports across the battlefield at lightning speed, dealing normal damage to multiple units along the way while simultaneously being unable to be targeted. “Opening Strike” can hit critically and deals additional normal damage to monsters. Normal attacks reduce the cooldown of Opening Strike.
    Master Yi regenerates his body through mental concentration. He restores life and suffers reduced damage for a short time. In addition, Master Yi receives increases to “Double Strike” and pauses the remaining duration of “Wuju Style” and “Highlander” for each second he concentrates.
    Gives additional absolute damage to normal attacks.
    Thanks to his unparalleled agility, Master Yi’s attack and run speed are briefly increased while he is immune to slowing down. While this effect is active, champion kills or supports increase the duration of Highlander. The cooldowns of his other abilities are passively reduced on kills/supports.

Miss Fortune

“Famous for her looks and feared for her ruthlessness, Sarah Fortune is a Bilgewater captain who provides a stark contrast to the hardened criminals of the port city. As a child, she witnessed the robber king Gangplank murder her entire family, an act for which she took brutal revenge years later by blowing up his flagship with him aboard. Those who underestimate her will find themselves facing a beguiling and unpredictable opponent … and will most likely catch a bullet or two.”

  • ATTACK (passive).
    Miss Fortune’s normal attacks deal additional normal damage whenever she attacks a new target.
    Miss Fortune fires a bullet at an enemy, which pierces it and hits another target behind it. Both hits can also trigger “nudge”.
    Miss Fortune passively gains running speed when not under attack. This ability can be activated to gain additional attack speed for a short time. “Nudge” reduces the remaining cooldown of “Landwalk”.
    Miss Fortune covers an area with her hail of bullets, causing enemies hit to take multiple damage and be slowed.
    Miss Fortune covers a cone-shaped area in front of her with a barrage of fire, dealing tremendous damage to hit enemies. Each wave of “Fire Free!” can hit critically.


“Nami is a headstrong young Vastaya of the seas and the first of the Marai tribe to leave the waves for the mainland when the ancient agreement with the Targonians was broken. With no other way out, she took on the task of completing the sacred ritual that would ensure the safety of her tribe. Amidst the chaos of this new age, Nami faces an uncertain future, which she confronts with courage and determination. By her side is always the Staff of the Tide Callers, with which she can summon the powers of the sea itself.”

  • WALKING TIMES (passive).
    If Nami’s abilities hit allied champions, they briefly gain additional movement speed.
    Sends a bubble into a chosen area that, upon impact, damages all enemies hit and stuns them.
    Unleashes a raging torrent of water that surges between allies and enemies, healing allies and damaging enemies in the process.
    Boosts an allied champion for a short time. Its normal attacks and abilities deal additional magic damage and slow the target.
    Summons a huge tidal wave that hurls enemies into the air, slowing and damaging them. Allies hit by the wave receive double the effect of Surging Tides.


“Nasus is an impressive, jackal-headed Ascended from ancient Shurima, a heroic figure revered as a demigod by the desert peoples. He is highly intelligent, was a guardian of knowledge and a strategist second to none, and whose wisdom led the ancient Shuriman Empire to true greatness for many centuries. After the fall of the empire, he went into self-imposed exile, eventually becoming a legend. Now that the ancient capital of Shurima has risen once again, he has returned and is doing everything in his power to ensure that it never falls again.”

  • SOUL SLAVER (passive).
    Nasus drains soul energy from his opponents, giving him additional life steal.
    Nasus strikes his opponent, dealing damage and increasing the power of his subsequent Sucking Out Strikes if he kills his target.
    Nasus ages an enemy champion so that their run and attack speed are gradually reduced.
    Nasus unleashes a ghost flame in one location, dealing damage and reducing the armor of enemies standing in it.
    Nasus unleashes a powerful sandstorm that knocks down nearby enemies. As long as the storm rages, Nasus gains extra life and attack range, deals damage to nearby enemies, reduces the cooldown of Sucking Blow, and gains extra armor and magic resistance for the duration.


“Olaf is an unstoppable force of destruction with his axe and would like nothing better than to die in glorious battle. Hailing from the rugged Freljor peninsula of Lokfar, he was once prophesied a peaceful death, which he believes is the fate of a coward and an insult in his culture. Seeking death and driven by rage, he rampaged across the land, killing many great warriors and legendary beasts in search of an opponent who could stop him. Today he is a brutal enforcer for the Winterclaws, seeking his end in the great wars to come.”

  • BERSERKER Rage (passive).
    Olaf’s attack speed is increased by 1% for every 1% of life missing.
  • SOG
    Olaf throws an axe into the ground of a target area, dealing damage to units it flies past and slowing their movement speed. If Olaf picks up the axe, the ability’s cooldown is reduced by 4.5 seconds.
    Olaf’s attack speed is increased. He receives life steal and increased healing from all sources depending on his lack of life.
    Olaf attacks with such force that his attacks deal absolute damage to his target and himself. He regains the life spent on them if he destroys his target.
    Olaf briefly becomes immune to incapacitating effects.


“Once a curious girl of flesh and blood, Orianna is now an engineering masterpiece composed entirely of mechanical components. After an accident in the lower sectors of Zhaun, she became gravely ill and her failing body had to be replaced piece by piece with sophisticated craftsmanship. With an extraordinary brass sphere she constructed as a companion and protector, Orianna now explores the mysteries and wonders of Piltover and beyond.”

  • PRECISE CLOCKWORK (passive).
    Orianna’s normal attack deals additional magic damage. The damage increases the more she attacks the same target.
    Orianna commands her orb to hurl itself into a target area, dealing magical damage to all targets hit along the way (dealing less damage on further hits). Her orb remains at the target position afterwards.
    Orianna commands her orb to send out a burst of energy that deals magic damage. It leaves a field that speeds up allies and slows down enemies.
    Orianna commands her orb to attach to an allied champion, shielding them and dealing magic damage to any enemies hit along the way. The orb also grants that champion additional armor and magic resistance.
    Orianna commands her orb to send out a shockwave that deals magic damage and, after a short delay, sends nearby enemies flying towards the orb.


“Shyvana is a creature whose magic comes from a shard of runes that blazes in her heart. Although she often assumes her human form, she can transform into a fearsome dragon at any moment and incinerate her opponents with her flame breath. Since saving the life of Crown Prince Jarvan IV, she has served in his royal guard, though she is not entirely comfortable with it, and struggles for acceptance among the suspicious inhabitants of Demacia.”

  • Wrath of the Dragonborn (passive).
    Shyvana deals extra damage to dragons and gains extra armor and magic resistance. The more dragons Shyvana and her allies slay, the more armor and magic resistance she gains.
    Shyvana’s next attack hits twice. Normal attacks reduce the cooldown of Double Bite by 0.5 seconds. Dragon Form: “Double Bite” hits all units before Shyvana.
    Shyvana surrounds herself with fire, dealing magic damage to nearby enemies every second and increasing her movement speed for 3 seconds. A portion of this damage is reapplied when Shyvana attacks an enemy normally while Burn Out is active. Running speed decreases during the duration of the ability. Normal attacks extend the duration of Burn Out. Dragon Form: Burn Out increases in size.
    Shyvana unleashes a fireball that deals damage to all enemies hit, leaving flames and marking them for 5 seconds. Shyvana’s normal attacks on marked targets deal percentage damage on hit depending on her maximum life. Dragon Form: “Flame Odem” explodes on impact or in the target area, dealing additional damage and scorching the earth for a short time.
    Shyvana transforms into a dragon and then flies to the chosen location. Enemies in her path take damage and are flung in the direction of her target. Shyvana receives passive wrath per second and 2 wrath on a normal attack.


“Soraka wandered the celestial dimensions beyond Targon before giving up immortality to protect the mortal races from their own violent instincts. She strives to teach the virtues of compassion and mercy to all she meets, and even heals those who wish her no good. And from what Soraka has seen of the world’s problems so far, she firmly believes that the people of Runeterra are far from reaching their full potential.”

  • RESOLUTION (passive).
    Soraka runs faster when moving toward nearby allies who are low on life.
    A star falls from the sky at a target location, dealing magical damage and slowing down hit enemies. When an enemy champion is hit by Star Rain, Soraka restores life.
    Soraka sacrifices a portion of her own life to heal a friendly champion.
    Creates an area at a chosen location that silences all enemies within it. When the area loses its effect, all enemies still within it are held.
  • WISH
    Soraka infuses her allies with renewed hope, instantly restoring life to herself and all allied champions.

LoL Guides – Champions, Masteries, Items, and more – With our tips you will get better in ranking.

League of Legends is a diverse game with many elements that need to be considered for a successful Ranked. In our detailed LoL guides, we try to give you some tips and tricks as detailed as possible. If you follow our LoL guides, you will conquer the Ranked ladder in League of Legends in no time.

League of Legends is one of the most popular video games of all time. Over 100 million people dabble in the MOBA from Riot Games. Almost 90% of the player base is in the Iron to the Gold range. The often-mentioned “Elohell” makes some League of Legends players struggles. Our LoL guides are here to help. We’ll show you practical tips and tricks that will help you improve your ranking.

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