League of Legends Champion Guides- Diana

In this Champion Guide, we’ll take a look at Diana, what her strengths are, and how you can best exploit them in the game. Diana is a mobile assassin and can decide an entire game on her own with an early lead. With her, you’re a playmaker whether you’re in Mid Lane, or in the Jungle. What makes Diana so strong? We’ll show you!

Unfortunately, because Rod of Ages was removed from the game, Diana is no longer a Tank/One-Shot Assassin. However, Hextech Alternator only removes the tank and she remains a one-shot assassin who makes every ADC’s life hell, especially in SoloQ. Due to her Passive, she can be played variably in the middle and jungle and brings the team not only roaming but also an incredible speed due to Jungle Speed and Drake Clear. With an 11.3% pick rate in Master+ an absolute meta pick in the current game.

Diana Guide: Runes and Item builds

In mid, her runes are heavily dependent on the matchup. If you’re playing against bruisers like Sylas or Irelia, you should go for the rune page explained below. Against squishy targets like Syndra, Lux, Xerath, etc, go for the absolute one-shot build. Electrocute is the keystone you need here. With Diana’s W-Spell it’s also very easy to proc and you have a lot of damage for short trades. With Sudden Impact you have additional Magic Penetration. Eyeball Collection helps you with additional AP scaling and improves your Snowball effect. In slot 3, Revenues Hunter is the best option for Diana and gives her Omnivamp.

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In the Jungle and on the Sideline you should always take Conqueror as a keystone. Her passive auto attacks in combination with Nashor’s Tooth synergize fantastically and in longer fights, your damage and healing remain constant. Triumph in slot 1 for more stamina, as Legend: Alacrity to further improve the scaling of the passive and Coup de Grace in slot 3 to one-shot all low targets.

You can play Resolve in Second Tree with Shield Bash to improve the shield on your W. This will give you more sustain on the lane and allow you to trade more often.

Diana Guide: Early Game

Diana wants to trade as much as possible on the lane from level 3. Due to the base mana nerf in patch 10.3, you, unfortunately, have fewer resources for trades, so always try to hit your Q Crescent Strike to get the reset on Diana’s E Lunar Rush. Otherwise, you’ll have a spell on a 22-sec cooldown early and won’t be able to trade properly for a long time. Once you are on the opponent, use the W Pale Cascade to get the full damage on the opponent and proc.

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After the 2-3 trade you play like this, the opponent must either flash, or you have a kill! From level 6 you always get at least one flash from the opponent. Otherwise use the W to protect yourself from poke and only need a few recalls. If possible, try to rush Hextech Alternator and Boots first. This way you already have incredible damage in early and can push the lane very fast to roam Top Lane or Bot. Diana’s roaming potential is what makes her so popular with high Elo players, so take advantage of that!

If you are already a bit better than average mechanically, you should definitely build Hextech Rocketbelt. Its passives give you additional Magic Penetration and even more Mobility Spell. If that’s too many keys for you, you can also play Night Harvester!

Diana Guide: Mid Game

If you were able to earn a lead in the Early Game, now Diana’s true strength comes out. Get Zhonya’s Hourglass and you are an Engage Monster! The typical Diana combo in any teamfight would then be: Q-E-W-R-Zhonya’s. This way you pull all enemies into your Ult and can’t be killed, while all enemies are in your Ultimate and get the full damage from Moonfall! This mechanic combines very well with Yasuo when you play Diana Jungle, as he can Ulten on the pulled champs. This gives you a true one-shot combo that can end the game early.

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Here, depending on how the game goes, you can then decide if you want to go the Sustain Nashors, Lich Bane build, or play the Full-Damage Rabadons, Void Staff build. Do you have a lot of squishy opponents, or will it be more long fights, with lots of enganges and disengages?

You decide how you want to play Diana. You can be the assassin who stays out of the fight at first and then jumps into the backline to take out the Carrys one by one. Or you want to be the initiator who engages in the frontline and sets the pace for the team fights.

Diana Guide: Late Game

This is where the TP comes into play. Diana is an excellent split-push champ, as she can hold her own against almost all champions on side lanes and has one of the strongest tower pushes in the game. Her passives make the towers just melt away and her TP allows her to put pressure on the lanes while also being present in teamfights. Here you should have Rabadons to be able to play your one-shot potential even in the Late. Diana has a good scaling, but the Electrocute build has a small downtime after the combo, in which the opponent is hopefully already dead.

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Otherwise your task remains the same, Spiltpushen and Backline Engagen. But it is best to fight only when your Zhonyas is up. Smart opponents will try to burst you as soon as you jump in.

Diana Guide: Good and bad matchups

Diana has few really bad matchups, which makes her an excellent blind pick. In Jungle, however, she has the most trouble with Rengar and Nocturne. Shyvana is also a good pick against Diana due to her fast Jungle Clear.

In Mid Lane, Diana has one hard counter and that is Irelia. All in champs generally look bad against Irelia and you don’t do enough damage against Irelia’s healing in the long run. Vladimir is also a good pick against Diana, as he can dodge her ultimate with his pool. As good as Yasuo is with Diana, he is just as good against her. Since he can block Diana’s Q with the Windwall, he counters Diana’s whole kit.

Diana, on the other hand, works very well against Mages like Annie, Orianna, and Syndra. She is too mobile and has too much damage for Orianna’s Orb, or Syndra’s Stun to be dangerous to her. Mages want to keep their opponents at a distance, but Diana just jumps in their faces!

I hope our Diana Champion Guide helped you and you can go and annoy some ADCs in the SoloQ.

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