League of Legends Champion Guides- Ashe, The Frost Archer

This champion guide will show you how to most effectively use the currently strongest ADC and abused her extremely strong lane. Ashe has been very strong for a long time but has become an S-Tier ADC after discovering the new item built with Wits End and Shieldbow. So if you’re looking for a new ADC that works extremely well in SoloQ right now and wins just about every matchup, look no further than Ashe!

Ashe is probably the ADC with the most utility in the game. Her permanent slow and stun from the ult make it very easy for your SoloQ teammates to get a follow-up. Later in the game, she still has a strong DPS, so she is by no means worse than other ADCs in the late game.

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Ashe Build: Runes and Items

Hail of Blades is the perfect choice for short trades, which Ashe uses frequently in her AA – W – AA combo in the lane. Now, instead of AA – W – AA, you can simply pack multiple autoattacks into the combo. Cheap Shot and Approach Velocity synergize perfectly with Ashe’s passive and are thus mandatory.

When item building, the first two items are always Shieldbow and Wits End. If you are playing against a lot of AP opponents, build Wits End and if you are playing against a lot of AD opponents build Shieldbow. The third item is Rageblade for the additional on-hit. The rest of the items can be chosen depending on the situation.

Ashe Guide: Early Game

Ashe’s Early Game is still underrated by many players today. With its large range, it is extremely easy to take good trades on the lane. Normally you can just run away from bad trades, however, this is not possible against Ashe. Either you take 5 auto attacks, or try to trade back. It is important for you as Ashe to respect this counter engage. A hook champion will surely pay attention to it if you run up for a lot of auto attacks.

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So focus on short AA + W trades and back off if you’re in danger of a counterattack. Try to get the early push with Ashe, as your Minions will protect you from the opponent’s all-in. As soon as your Wave goes into the opponent’s Tower, you can start poking the opponent with your big Range. Now use your life advantage to set up a freeze where the opponent can’t engage because they’ve already taken a lot of damage.

Ashe Guide: Mid- and Late Game

After the laning phase, you should group a lot with your team to both win towers and start team fights. When winning towers, you should again play with your high range. Pay attention to the Engage possibilities of your opponents, because you don’t have an Escape in your kit. With time you will learn when exactly you can go forward and when you should rather stay behind.

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Teamfights are ideally started by your Ult. Even though it might look tempting to attack the opposing carries, you should rather attack the champion that is closest to you. Your Slows make you surprisingly strong against Bruisers and Assassins, and you can just “run them down”.

Ashe Guide: Good and bad matchups

Ashe loves to play against ADCs with a low range like Kaisa, Lucian, or Vayne. Here the attack range difference is just too big and Ashe can often poke the opponent for free. She also likes to play against immobile supports like Soraka, Lux, or Xerath, as here her ult can be extremely strong later on and actually always means the death of the opponent’s support.

Ashe’s bad matchups are either poke champions like Varus and Ezreal, which simply have a longer range than Ashe, or all-in champions like Tristana, Kalista, or Samira, as they can punish an overstep very easily. Accordingly, supports like Rell, Bard, Naut, or Leona are also not comfortable for Ashe.

This Ashe Champion Guide was written by Kamon & Autophil – two of the top 500 LoL players who also provide coaching. If you are interested in more, just click through to their account: @GetGoodCoaching.

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