League of Legends Arena: Crafting a New Mode

Thank you to #LeagueofLegends – Topic for uploading this video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zrRw0zdwGBU

We’ve got your ringside seats for a behind-the-scenes look at how we made ’s new 2v2v2v2 mode, Arena.

#LeagueofLegends – Free Download & Play: https://signup.leagueoflegends.com/

#LeagueofLegends Champion – Assassin Kha-Zix.

The Void grows, and the Void adapts—in none of its myriad spawn are these truths more apparent than Kha’Zix. Evolution drives the core of this mutating horror, born to survive and to slay the strong. Where it struggles to do so, it grows new, more effective ways to counter and kill its prey. Initially a mindless beast, Kha’Zix’s intelligence has developed as much as its form. Now, the creature plans out its hunts, and even utilizes the visceral terror it engenders in its victims.

#LeagueofLegends Teams – Team Serenity.

Team Serenity was founded in September 2017 with the starting five: Doodle, BiG_A, longGGG, mianmian and XCJ. After doodle, all members gradually turned their backs on the team. Only the founding father XCJ is still active and now plays together with zhizhizhi, Zyd, XinQ under captain Pyw. All the new members are inexperienced on paper and there wasn’t much time for the team to gain international experience.

#LeagueofLegends #Skins-Dragonmancer.

As predicted by data miners, the next skins coming with LoL Patch 11.21 will be Dragonmancer skins. We’re getting a bunch of new skins – and Volibear will even get a prestige skin. All the information about the new skins can be found here.

#LeagueofLegends Champion Guides- Diana.

In this Champion Guide, we’ll take a look at Diana, what her strengths are, and how you can best exploit them in the game. Diana is a mobile assassin and can decide an entire game on her own with an early lead. With her, you’re a playmaker whether you’re in Mid Lane, or in the Jungle. What makes Diana so strong? We’ll show you!

LoL #LeagueofLegends – Patch 10.23: The gap will never be the same again.

The season is coming to an end, which means that a lot of changes are waiting for us. We’ve talked about Ability Haste and the new Mythic Items. But are we ready? Nope, there are still so many changes coming our way.

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