K/DA – MORE Dance – Official Choreography Video | League of Legends

Learn to MOVE like K/DA, brought to you by . K/DA and KINJAZ presents the official choreography video for “.”

K/DA is a virtual music supergroup starring , , , and Kai’Sa. Their first EP ALL OUT is available to stream now: https://ffm.to/kda-allout

Follow @KDA_MUSIC on Twitter and Instagram for updates.


Choreography by: Mike Song & Addy Chan (KINJAZ)
KINJAZ: https://www.youtube.com/TheKinjaz

0:00 Choreography
3:37 Intro
3:52 Part One
6:45 Part One With Counts
7:06 Details
7:40 Part Two
10:13 Part Two With Counts
10:30 Review from Beginning
11:07 Part Three
15:26 Part Three With Counts
16:10 With Counts from Beginning
17:01 75% Speed
17:46 100% Speed
18:23 Outro


https://www.youtube.com/user/Riot GamesGame…

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