“Just look how stupid Blizzard is” ?

A nerf in World of Warcraft Dragonflight makes streamer Asmongold lose all hope. He asks “how stupid Blizzard is” – and receives a lot of encouragement.

Streamer Asmongold has an ambivalent relationship with the MMORPG World of Warcraft. On the one hand, he loves the game and has dedicated many years to it, but on the other hand, he is also one of its biggest critics.

However, one of the latest changes to the alpha of the upcoming Dragonflight expansion leaves him stunned to declare, “Look how stupid Blizzard is.”

What did Asmongold comment on? In one of his recent streams, Asmongold looked at the changes made to the Dragonflight alpha. Especially to the Dracthyr, some things were adjusted there, like the flight speed of their people ability. Asmongold sharply criticizes this when he looks at the “before / after” comparison:

Just look at how stupid Blizzard is. (…) It’s so boring. Like Cringe. Like I said, the change makes me lose more hope for Blizzard with Dragonflight than anything else. If they don’t [wieder] change, then I expect Dragonflight to really suck.

What is the change about? The Dracthyr in the Dragonflight alpha have the “Soar” ability. This means that they can virtually use the dragon riding feature anywhere in the world, albeit in a slimmed down version. This meant a maximum movement speed of up to 930% – more than twice as fast as any flying mount. Blizzard had then throttled the speed of this ability from 930% to about 640%.

So Soar is still significantly faster than an epic flying mount, but the is much smaller.

The community agrees with Asmongold: Whether it’s under Asmongold’s video or in the World of Warcraft subreddit, the opinion seems to be largely unanimous that Blizzard is making a mistake here. The “fun detected” meme that is used whenever Blizzard toned down a fun mechanic is used frequently. Some of the comments are:

  • “By now I’m convinced that Blizzard hates good feedback and is intentionally making sure that [das Feedback] will never be implemented.”
  • “The same thing happened with Torghast. People loved it in beta, it was fast and fun. Then they generated it, it became slow and boring.”
  • “Player: The mechanics are so much fun!
    Blizzard: It’s a problem.”
  • “Imagine ruining a key feature of an expansion because a small portion of could then navigate to old content faster, lmao. Blizzard is so out of touch with the community, I don’t think they’ll recover from this.”


Why did Blizzard do this? The fact that the “Soar” ability of the Dracthyr was weakened has a very clear reason, which Blizzard had also explained before: Dracthyr should not have too serious an advantage in the open world.

A folk ability that is too powerful just doesn’t fit in there. At times, Dracthyr could bridge entire continents at almost three times the speed, while players on epic flying mounts would take much longer.

This would make Dracthyr the only useful race for completing old-world content – such as pet battles or farming old raids. No other class could travel through the world so quickly, and any other race would feel significantly weaker.

Even though Blizzard has justified the change, Asmongold probably doesn’t like this adjustment much. His hopes in Dragonflight seem to be significantly diminished when Blizzard drastically weakens such fun mechanics.

What’s your opinion on this? Do you understand the nerf, or do you agree with Asmongold that such a fun ability should be preserved?

Asmongold also criticizes other things – for example, he explained what’s wrong with raids in WoW.


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