JUNO NEW HERO | Overwatch 2

Thank you to ThatPunchKid LIVE for uploading this video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IwwBxGqIcpY.

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(# ad) Epic Games Creator Code: ” punchboi ”
Business contact: ThatPunchKid@gmail.com

HERO gameplay | # 2
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(# ad) Epic Games Creator Code: ” punchboi ”
Business contact: ThatPunchKid@gmail.com

#Overwatch League: the new bans in the OW Hero Pool

Some OW players are probably thanking the gods now, because some of the most disliked, because often chosen and strong champions have been removed from the #Overwatch Hero Pool. Even though #Blizzard is planning a change that casual gamers up to a certain rank will no longer be affected by the weekly Hero Bans, they still play a role in the upper tiers and the OW League.

#Overwatch Heroes – Zenyatta

Zenyatta uses his spheres of harmony and discord to heal his teammates and weaken his enemies, while he himself strives for a state of transcendence that grants him complete immunity to damage.The standard PC key bindings shown below can be customized in-game.

#Overwatch: Numbani – Map Guide

To stand a chance in the battles of #Overwatch, you need to know not only your hero, but also the map on which you are fighting. In our guide to Numbani, we will show you the most important locations and how to use them to gain an advantage for your team.

#Overwatch Anniversary 2020 – this is what awaits us

The #Overwatch Anniversary events will be a major event in the #Overwatch calendar year for professionals and casual gamers alike. As always, there has been some speculation as to what to expect, and as the date approaches, here are our guesses as to what to expect from the #Overwatch Anniversary 2020 Event.


#Overwatch celebrates its fourth anniversary this year. To mark the occasion, we’re introducing brand new extras, including new legendary skins like Masquerade for Reaper, Dragoness for Mercy, Little Red Riding Hood for Ashe, and more! More epic rewards await you in the weekly anniversary challenges, such as Carbon Fiber for Sigma, Fleur de Lis for Widowmaker, and Desperado for McCree.

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#Overwatch is a multiplayer first-person shooter from the US game developer #Blizzard Entertainment. The game is set in #Blizzard’s fourth fantasy universe after Warcraft, #StarCraft and Diablo. #Overwatch was released in May 2016 for Microsoft Windows, PlayStation 4 and Xbox One. Since then, bug fixes (patches) and updates have been released at regular intervals. A version for Nintendo Switch has been available since October 15, 2019. In #Overwatch, two teams of six players each compete against each other. Both teams fight for control of a given location or escort a cargo on the playing field within a given period of time.

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