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Login screen for Jhin, the Virtuoso
#LeagueofLegends Champion – Marksman Tristana.
While many other yordles channel their energy into discovery, invention, or just plain mischief-making, Tristana was always inspired by the adventures of great warriors. She had heard much about #Runeterra, its factions, and its wars, and believed her kind could become worthy of legend too. Setting foot in the world for the first time, she took up her trusty cannon Boomer, and now leaps into battle with steadfast courage and optimism.
#LeagueofLegends Teams – Fnatic.
Fnatic and Dota 2 have always had a difficult relationship with each other. If you were to ask a non-Dota connoisseur how Fnatic is doing, the answer would be unequivocal: “Somewhere upstairs”. The reality therefore seems much more unreal, Fnatic has not yet had a podium success in Dota. Only a second place at the DreamLeague Season 9 and the DOTA Summit 8 are worth mentioning at all.
#LeagueofLegends #Skins- Outer Space.
The #LeagueofLegends pre-season patch has brought us a lot of grief and annoyance. The new store interface is something that everyone is still getting used to, and the new icons just seem impossible to distinguish from each other.
#LeagueofLegends Item Guides- Trinity Force.
The #LeagueofLegends Item Guide series continues today with Trinity Force. You look into the item store and almost get an epileptic fit? All the bonuses, Legendarys, Mythics, you can’t keep track anymore? You just want to go back to “the old days” when Lee Sin could still buy Sightstone?
LoL #LeagueofLegends – Seasons explained.
#LeagueofLegends goes through Seasons every year. Seasons mark new developments in the game and they are always preceded by a pre-season, during which new changes are implemented and worked on by the developers, while players can test everything without worrying about their rank.
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