Items Dota 2-Aghanim’s Scepter

Aghanim’s Scepter


Drop barYes
Store categories
  • Caster
  • Defense
  • Attributes
  • Skills
Store categories
  • Intelligence
  • Strength
  • Agility
  • Mana supply
  • Life supply
  • difficult to categorize

“The scepter of a sorcerer with demigod-like powers.”
— Description in

Aghanim’s Scepters is a utility item from DotA and Dota 2. Commonly known as Scepter, the item can upgrade the Ultimate or other abilities of some heroes or provide additional abilities. Currently, 65 of the 112 heroes from DotA have an upgrade through Aghanim’s Scepter. The remaining heroes can acquire the Scepter, but only receive an upgrade to their attributes by possessing it. In the long run, however, all heroes will probably receive their own upgrade for the Scepter.

Update history

  • September 01, 2015: Winter’s Curse and Reaper’s Scythe no longer prevent Wraith King’s reincarnation under the of Aghanim’s Scepter.

Gameplay Updates

Gameplay Update 6.82

  • Sven: Added upgrade: Gives Sven an aura effect during God’s Strength that increases the damage of his allies.
  • Phoenix: Added upgrade: Phoenix can take an ally into his Ultimate, using the same rules as Phoenix alone in the sphere.
  • Timbersaw: Added upgrade: Gets a second chakram
  • Treant Protector: Added upgrade: Gets ability Eyes in the Forest, allowing him to use a tree as an Observer Ward, which also uses his Ultimate when used.

Gameplay Update 6.81

  • Keeper of the Light: Added an upgrade from Aghanim’s Scepter: Grants permanent Spirit Form. Additionally, the following effects are active during the day: Keeper of the Light is granted unrestricted line of sight and Illuminate heals allies for 75% of damage dealt.
  • Lina: Laguna Blade now passes through magic immunity with Aghanim’s Scepter.
  • Omniknight: Guardian Angel duration with Aghanim’s Scepter increased 5/6/7 from 8/9/10.

Gameplay Update 6.80

  • Lion: Aghanim’s Scepter now allows Finger of Death to hit units within 200 of the primary target.
  • Tinker: Added an upgrade from Aghanim’s Scepter: Summoning range of Doubles Laser and number of Heat-Seeking Missile missiles increased.


  • The Scepter was named after Agahnim, an antagonist from the Zelda . In both DotA and Dota 2, Rubick is the son of Aghanim, the creator of the Scepter. Very little is known about him in the DotA universe; however, his name is not pronounced by any of the heroes, with the exception of Razor.
  • Aghanim’s Scepter is used as a profile icon for level 74 of the Dota 2 leveling system.

Dota 2

Dota 2 is – unlike other big MOBA titles like of Legends – free to play with all heroes. However, game items can be purchased in the Dota 2 store, but all of them have no effect on the gameplay. Only cosmetic items like different skins for the heroes can be purchased. Just like in Fortress 2, Counter-Strike: Global Offensive and Portal 2, it is possible to create your own content via the Steam Workshop.

Dota 2 is a multiplayer online battle arena title from Valve. The successor to the extremely popular 3 modification DotA (Defense of the Ancients), Dota 2 was the company’s first strategy game and was released on the download platform Steam on July 9, 2013. The game is a free-to-play title that can be played completely free of charge and is financed through in-game microtransactions, similar to Team Fortress 2.


Items needed
Recipe cost: 600


Abyssal Blade
Passive: Ultimate Upgrade – Improves the Ultimate and some abilities of certain heroes.
  • Ability: Passive
  • Subject: Allied heroes
  • + 10 All Attributes
  • + 175 Life
  • + 175 Mana
Technische Details:
  • Range: 600
“The scepter of a sorcerer with demigod-like powers.”



ENCHANTED TOTEM – Jumps to destination when using and uses Enchanted Totem there
GOD’S STRENGTH – God’s Strength grants bonus damage to allies within a 900 unit radius.
GROW / TOSS – Allows Tiny to pick up a tree, increasing his attack range and damage against buildings. His attacks now deal area damage. Units thrown with Toss take more damage.
PRIMAL ROAR – Reduces cooldown and increases spell range.
GHOSTSHIP – The ghost ship drags all hit enemies along with it on its way to the destination point. Captured enemies can continue to perform actions during the journey.
No upgrade yet.
HOOKSHOT – Reduces cooldown.
GUARDIAN ANGEL – Erhöht die Dauer, der Radius umfasst die gesamte Karte und Gebäude werden vom Effekt ebenfalls betroffen.
LIFE BREAK – Increases damage dealt and reduces cooldown.
PRIMAL SPLIT – Earth gets Thunder Clap, Storm gets Drunken Haze, and Fire gets Drunken Brawler.
OVERGROWTH / EYES IN THE FOREST – Adds the “Eyes in the Forest” ability: Allows Treant Protector to enchant trees that grant him vision at that position. When Overgrowth is cast, units within an 800 unit radius of the enchanted tree become entangled and take damage.
No upgrade yet.
STAMPEDE – Heroes affected by Stampede take less damage and can move through obstacles, such as trees or cliffs.
CHAKRAM / RETURN CHAKRAM – Grants a second chakram.
VISCOUS NASAL GOO – Makes Goo a ranged ability that hits all enemies around Bristleback.
WALRUS KICK – Grants the Walrus Kick ability, which knocks the target back and slows them down. 
EARTH SPLITTER – Increases slowdown duration. Units drawn in by Earth Splitter are also disarmed. 
ENCHANT REMNANT – Grants the Enchant Remnant ability, which allows Earth Spirit heroes to turn into Stone Remnants for a period of time, after which they explode.
DUEL – Die Duelle dauern an, bis entweder Legion Commander oder ihr Gegner stirbt.
SUPERNOVA – Allows Phoenix to use Supernova on an allied Hero, turning them both into the sun together and also reincarnating them both. Does not reset the cooldown of Ultimates.
CULLING BLADE – Reduces cooldown, increases kill threshold, and increases bonus tempo duration.
MEAT HOOK – cooldown greatly reduced
BURRWOSTRIKE / CAUSTIC FINALE – Doubles the range of Burrowstrike and injects all hit heroes with Caustic Finale’s poison.
No upgrade yet.
GUSH – Reduces the cooldown of Gush and changes the ability to an untargeted straight wave.
REINCARNATION – If an allied hero dies near you, he becomes a ghost, delaying his death by 7 seconds.
ASSIMILATE – Unlocks the “Assimilate” ability, which allows Lifestealers to engulf and hide a fledgling in their body. Assimilated units receive all heals that also affect Lifestealers. If an assimilated Hero leaves Lifestealer’s body, it does so explosively, causing damage to nearby enemies.
DARKNESS – Provides unobstructed vision at night. The improved visibility does not have to be caused by Darkness.
DOOM – Increases the duration of the effect and pauses it while the target is within 900 units. Also, when the ability is applied, it now additionally removes buff effects from the target and disables most passive abilities during the duration of the effect.
NETHER STRIKE – Makes Greater Bash hit an area around the actual target, reducing cooldown and increasing spell range.
No upgrade yet.
No upgrade yet.
DECAY – Increases the number of strength points stolen by Decay.
EMPOWER – Empower becomes an aura for allied heroes. Ranged heroes receive half the bonus and deal area damage around their attack target. Can still be cast on units, but does not add up.
BORROWED TIME – Increases duration. When Borrowed Time is activated, 50% of damage taken by allied Heroes within a 900 radius is redirected to Abaddon.


No upgrade yet.
MARKSMANSHIP – Drow Ranger’s arrows now shatter at their target and hit other units near it. The shatter arrows behave like normal attacks, but cause reduced damage.
OMNISLASH – Increases the number of attacks and reduces the cooldown.
Starstorm – Performed passively over and over again.
HYBRID – Grants the ability “Hybrid”. When used on an allied Hero, Morphling temporarily becomes an enhanced replica of that Hero, capable of using all of the target’s non-ultimate abilities.
No upgrade yet.
NETHER SWAP – Reduces cooldown and allows swapping of non-hero units. In addition, upon Vengeful Spirit’s death, an Illusion of Vengeance now appears, lasts until it re-enters, deals 50% damage, takes 150% damage, and can use all of its abilities (but no items).
No upgrade yet.
No upgrade yet.
No upgrade yet.
ECLIPSE – Allows Luna to cast Eclipse on an allied unit, herself, or an area. Also increases the number of rays as well as the duration and removes the hit limit per unit.
No upgrade yet.
ENRAGE – Reduces cooldown and allows Ursa to use Enrage even when he is incapacitated.
CALL DOWN – Increases the damage of the second missile and gives unlimited spell range.
SUMMONING SPIRIT BEAR – No more limit to attacking the bear.
SONG OF THE SIREN – Song of the Siren regenerates 8% life per second on all nearby allies.
No upgrade yet.
No upgrade yet.
Rupture – Now possesses charges
REQUIEM OF SOULS – The energy beams emitted by Requiem of Souls now return to Shadow Fiend as well. The returning energy only deals reduced damage, but heals Shadow Fiend by the amount of that damage.
EYE OF THE STORM – Causes faster lightning strikes, which can also damage buildings. When attacking buildings, only towers, barracks and the Ancient are hit.
POISON NOVA – Increases damage and reduces cooldown.
CHRONOSPHERE – Increases duration and decreases cooldown.
No upgrade yet.
VIPER STRIKE – Reduces mana cost and cooldown, increases spell range.
No upgrade yet.
No upgrade yet.
TIME LAPS – Reduces cooldown and allows Weaver to use Time Lapse on an ally.
No upgrade yet.
DIVIDED WE STAND – Grants an additional meepo and increases the percentage attributes shared.
No upgrade yet.
No upgrade yet.
No upgrade yet.






Mystic FlareSpirit Form 
Removes the cooldown almost completely.The Ultimate becomes permanent and provides unrestricted visibility during the day. 
Static StormRemote mines
Reinforces Remote Mines and Minefield Shield grants True Sight protection to all mines within a small radius.
Summon FamiliarsFiend’s Grip
Gives another familiar.
Spell StealChain Frost
Should Rubick steal an Ultimate, it is improved by its Aghanim’s Scepter upgrade.Lich’s Ultimate becomes stronger and now jumps until it has no more target.
Freezing FieldFinger of Death
Lions Ultimate gets an area effect that damages all enemy units within it.
Dream CoilDeath Ward
Focus Fire Black Hole
Windranger lends the negative effect of its ultimate.Wirkt Midnight Pulse am selben Ort.
Thunder God WrathReaper scythe
Reinforces Remote Mines and Minefield Shield grants True Sight protection to all mines within a small radius.
Laguna BladeChaotic Offering
Warlock gets a second golem under his control.
Mass Serpent WardSonic Wave
Laser / Heat-Seeking MissileLife Drain
Wrath of NatureWeave
Accelerates the effect of armor increase/
ImpetusPulse Nova
Macropyre Ice Blast
Hand of GodInvoke
Invoker lends the cooldown of its ultimate.
Global SilenceSanity’s Eclipse
The Ultimate locks all hit enemy Heroes into Astral Imprisonment.
Unrefined FireblastDemonic Purge
Works like Fireblast but consumes a percentage of mana.Grants 3 recharges of the Ultimate.