Is a Level Squeeze Looming for Tier 9 and Tier 10?

Blizzard developers recently invited members of the community council to discuss certain topics related to WoW: Wrath of the Lich King. Some topics brought up included an item level squeeze for Tier 9 and Tier 10, ID lockout changes for the Crusader's trial, Thousand Winters, and server/faction balance. Based on the posts published later in the official WoW forum, we summarize the most important things for you below.

Item level squeeze

Back when Crusader's Trial was released, Ulduar was completely irrelevant to most raids in one fell swoop. The reason: in PdK, there were significantly better loot items even on Normal, and the item level jump was enormous. In order to prevent a similar effect in WotLK Classic, the Blizzard designers are thinking about an item level reduction for the raid content from PdK onwards, i.e. also for Icecrown Citadel, Onyxia and Ruby Sanctum. The PvP rewards from – Season s 7 and 8 are also to be adjusted.

One goal is to have the hardmode loot from Ulduar be slightly better than the loot from PdK Normal. That way guilds would still have a valid reason to keep visiting Ulduar. And by the way, the later raid instances would also be a bit more challenging due to the item level squeeze.

ID lockouts for Crusader exam

The goal for PdK is to provide lockout rules comparable to Icecrown Citadel: You will be able to choose whether to do each boss on Heroic or Normal in the 10 and 25 level ranges. However, due to the way PdK works, the developers still have to clear some hurdles for this. They'll also have to think about the number of loot items that can drop on each run to mitigate the smaller number of possible lockouts for PdK per ID.

Server/Faction Balance

They would like to implement useful bonuses (such as for honor or emblems) for under-numbered factions, but also effects that become active for both factions when a server is well balanced. They also want to offer free transfers again in the future.

Thousand Winter

In order to allow as many players as possible to participate in the Thousand Winters battles, it is known that they will be offered instanced, with multiple instances running in parallel, similar to Battlegrounds. Currently, the first test is running in the beta. Based on the testing experience, there will then be appropriate adjustments and retesting. After the battle, the fortress would then be available to the Alliance and Horde in different stages, if both factions could win at least one match.

Restart server

Recently, the Blizzard executives presented the restart servers for Europe. But why were there only two for the whole EU? Blizzard's explanation: They wanted to offer as few servers as possible, but at least one server per region. This is to prevent the faction balance from immediately getting out of control again.

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