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Armies of Duty – Assault Squad

The 3rd Assault Squad was an elite Red Army unit from World War II. It appears in Call of Black Ops. The unit was commanded by Dragovich and his right-hand man Kravchenko. However, only two missions are known of the 3rd Assault Squad, one from a narration by Viktor Reznov and the other as a single-player mission in the campaign, which is also played with Viktor Reznov. The Battle of Stalingrad was the first, about which we are told only that the squad was surrounded and Dragovich and his “lapdog” Kravchenko retreated to get reinforcements, which never arrived. The second was at the North Pole near the end of World War II. The mission was simple, the German camp, kill all the Germans and capture Dr. Friedrich Steiner. When they succeeded, they took Steiner to an old ship containing a nerve gas called Nova 6. Immediately afterward Dragovich wanted to see the effect with his own eyes and had his men captured and locked in two chambers. As the first 3 soldiers slowly and cruelly died from the gas, the ship was overrun by the British and the door of the other 3 prisoners was shot open so they could escape. In the end, only Nevski from the team survives as Reznov is captured and eventually killed in this labor camp. The three traitors Dragovich, Kravchenko, and Steiner are finally killed by Alex Mason, a CIA deserter.

Heroes Call of Duty – Abigail “Misty” Briarton

Abigail “Misty” Briarton is a playable character from Survival in Call of Duty: Black Ops II. Misty is wearing a knotted red shirt and brown workman gloves. She has washed out blue jeans on with them, there are some holes on the legs. On the waistband of her pants there is a belt with some cartridges. She has brown hair and wears a ponytail. On her head she wears a green and white cap and on her belly there are some scratches. On her face, arms and chest she has freckles.

Weapons Call of Duty-AN-94

The AN-94 is a Russian assault rifle from Call of Duty: Modern Warfare: Mobilized and Call of Duty: Black Ops II. In single-player, the AN-94 is a frequently appearing weapon throughout the game. In the missions of the USMC and the first and third missions of the SAS, you can pick it up especially often. After the AK-47, it is one of the most frequently used Weapons in the game.

Games Call of Duty – Finest Hour

Call of Duty: Finest Hour is a first-person shooter video game developed by Spark Unlimited and published by Activision for GameCube, PlayStation 2, and Xbox. It is the first console installment of Call of Duty.

Call of Duty – Collision

Collision is a map from Call of Duty: Ghosts that appeared with the Devastation DLC. Collision is set on a huge cargo ship that has crashed into a bridge. Parts of the map play on the section of the ship that is still undamaged, while the other side was completely demolished by the collision with the bridge.

Camouflage Call of Duty – Sahara Desert camouflage

Sahara is slightly based on desert camouflage. It was named after a large desert located in the northern part of Africa. In Black Ops II, she does not appear in multiplayer, only in the campaign.

Fraction Call of Duty Viet Cong

The Viet Cong (Vietnamese: Việt Cộng ) or National Front of the Liberation of South Vietnam is a paramilitary faction featured in Call of Duty: Black Ops. American soldiers mention the Viet Cong as Victor Charlie or VC. The Viet Cong is a guerrilla faction sympathetic to the communists and as such should not be confused with the NVA, the regular army in Vietnam.

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