Indigo League of Legends: Week #7 vs Sevii Island Jirachis (Final Battle Of – Season ) League of Legends eSports

League of Legends Champion – Assassin Yasuo

An Ionian of deep resolve, Yasuo is an agile swordsman who wields the air itself against his enemies. As a proud young man, he was falsely accused of murdering his master—unable to prove his innocence, he was forced to slay his own brother in self-defense. In time, his master’s true killer was revealed, and his brother mysteriously returned from death, yet Yasuo still could not forgive himself for all he had done. Now, he wanders the world with only the wind to guide his blade.

League of Legends Teams – Evil Geniuses

One of the 2 veterans; Evil Geniuses was founded in October 2011. This makes the team one of the most traditional teams in North America… Nevertheless, the current roster does not quite reflect the team’s old strengths. After all, Arteezy, Suma1L and Cr1t have been committed to EG since 2016, but replacements for the offlane and hard support positions had to be found at the last minute.

League of Legends Skins-Varus

Two weeks from now and we’re playing on a new patch again. So let’s take a look at what the PBE has to say about the upcoming LoL Patch 11.11 and what we can speculate about.

League of Legends Guides- Zed

In this Champion Guide, we’ll take a look at Zed, what his strengths are, and how you can best take advantage of them in the game. Zed is a mobile assassin and will give your opponents ADC a lot of headaches. With him, you’ll always be a threat to the Side Lanes and maybe soon in the Jungle.

LoL League of Legends – Patch 10.13 – who wins, who loses?

Fans of League of Legends can expect the announced Pool Party with brand new skins for Syndra, Orianna and others in Patch 10.13. In addition, there are buffs and nerfs – because where there is light, there is also shadow… Here are the complete patch notes.

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League of Legends.

League of Legends (short: LoL or simply League) is a computer game developed by Riot Games, released on October 27, 2009 for Windows and macOS. It appeared as a free-to-play MOBA. The game was played by about 100 million monthly in 2016.
League of Legends was released on October 27, 2009 for Windows. It was inspired by the Warcraft III mod Defense of the Ancients (DotA). Starting in October 2010, Riot Games ran a limited beta test with a native client for macOS, which was discontinued for the time being in September 2011. An official beta version for macOS has been available since March 1, 2013.

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