I’ll Find a Way (ft. TELLE) | Sentinels of Light – League of Legends

Between madness and devotion, where is the line? Trace the path of two tragic loves in this original song.

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Production Credits:

“TELLE & of Legends – I’ll Find a Way”

Featured artists: TELLE
Written by: Games Music Team and TELLE
Produced by: Music Team
Mixed by: Riot Games Music Team
Mastered by: Patricia Sullivan at Bernie Grundman
Vocals performed by: TELLE
Vocal production by: Riot Games Music Team
P/C Riot Games 2021


The lies I tell myself, help push it away
And I’m chasing whispers, before they all just fade

So how can I
Leave it all behind
When I refuse to watch it fall to dust
I will find a way

This porcelain mirage, may start to break
Each piece a reminder, every single little mistake

So how can I
Leave it all behind
When I refuse to watch it fall to dust
Tell me why
It won’t ever be the same
I’ll burn it all no matter who’s to blame

I’ll find a way

And every time I close my eyes, a little less of you remains
I know you’re slipping further from me now, am I too far away?

Tell me why
I won’t ever feel the same
I’ll try everything until you’re back again

I’ll find a way (back to you)

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