I WILL BE THE RANK 1 OCTANE!!! | Albralelie – Valorant eSports

Agent 16- Codename, Release Date & Role

We think that Agent 16 will be released on June 22. Act 2 Episode 3 came out on April 27 and brought with it the new map Breeze. Maybe it will bring a new agent as well…. This short trailer has already been quite celebrated by the fans.

Team Liquid Valorant Roster with ScreaM and fish123

The Ignition Series have been running in Valorant for a month now, and one team is desperate for a piece of the pie: Team Liquid. The North Americans have therefore turned their gaze to the East and snatched the roster of fish123 under the nail.

Are pay-to-win?

You may have heard about Valorant’s closed beta for the Prime collection, specifically the Vandal skin. The issue was also recently brought into the spotlight by the statement of from the Sentinels team.

Valorant: LoL Crossover Skins leaked

The latest skin pack in Valorant looks like a special one, as it could be a crossover with Riot’s other big title – League of Legends. Here’s everything we know so far about the Valorant X LoL crossover skins.

Patch Notes – Valorant Leak: Is a Battle Royale mode coming soon?

Riot’s tactical shooter Valorant has just received the new map Breeze with patch 2.08. Now, data miners have uncovered a “downed” mechanic that could be used in an upcoming Battle Royale mode.

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Valorant is a free-to-play multiplayer first-person shooter developed by Riot Games. It is the first developed by Riot Games in this genre. The game was first announced in October 2019 with the code-name Project A. It was released for Windows on June 2, 2020. It was originally scheduled for release in the summer of 2020. A closed beta launched back on April 7, 2020, and participation for the closed beta was done by sending game-keys for watching live streams of the game on the video platform Twitch (so-called “Twitch Drops”). The Twitch account had to be connected to the Riot Games account for this. Valorant left the beta phase on June 2, 2020.

Valorant Agent, Valorant Agents, Valorant, Valorant Controller Agent, Valorant Duelist Agent, Valorant Initiator Agent, Valorant Sentinel Agent, Valorant Game, Riot Games,

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