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Sule Vs Pique: First Showdown SBC in FIFA 22!

FC Bayern vs FC Barcelona… for some it’s about everything, for others it’s like giving away your last games in the Weekend . What sounds like a duel on European top level is (unfortunately) more like a two-tier society this year. Well, after all the hustle and bustle around Black Friday and the new TOTGS cards, there is a new SBC! A showdown, to be exact. What it is and how to complete the SBCs, you can find out here.

Court rules: FIFA remains forever Pay to Win – FUT is not a game of chance

A groundbreaking blow for the FIFA community. FIFA Ultimate Team will forever remain Pay to Win. This can be assumed after the ruling of the Dutch supreme administrative court Raad van State. The court has confirmed that opening FUT packs is not gambling. EA will therefore be able to keep the pack mechanic and the associated pay to win system.

FIFA 22 TOTS: Token Tracker, Release, Vote, Leaks and Predictions

The FIFA year with all its promos is coming to an end and also the European top leagues are in summer break. After the Team of the Year has brought probably the most blatant cards for FIFA Ultimate Team so far, the highlight follows at the end of the – Season : Team of the – Season .


Complexity is one of the oldest clubs in the eSports space. They have now been at the top of the scene for more than 19 years. In 2019, the club made their debut in FIFA with Joksan and AA9Skillz. In addition to its reliable tournament players, Complexity also has content creators, with the focus always being on gameplay and competition.

FIFA 22 Carlos Junior TOTS SBC – Cheapest solution

FIFA 22 is currently firmly in the grip of the Team of the – Season (TOTS) promo, which celebrates the best players of the current club – Season . Sure, I don’t have to explain to anyone that these card often get damn powerful boosts. Besides the icons, these objects often rise to be the best players in the game. Actually, right now almost EVERYTHING revolves around the Team of the – Season …. only the end of Akinfenwa’s career is also celebrated.

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