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Weapons – Grappler

The Grappler was a Rare (Spy Games only), Epic and Mythic (Chapter 2 – Season 2 only) item in Battle Royale. It can be fired at nearby objects to pull the player towards it (fall damage still applies). The shots could be chained to travel greater distances. The Grappler has 10 charges and will be discarded when all charges have been depleted. It can be found in floor loot, Treasure Chests, Supply Drops, and Supply Llamas (Epic only).

Maps Fortnite – Floating Island

Floating Island is an area in Fortnite’s Battle Royale mode that was added to the game at the beginning of – Season 6.[1] The island was ripped from the center of the Loot Lake area by the cube. The cube also caused the island to float. The island eventually began to move from rune to rune across the entire map. After reaching the last rune, it moved back toward Loot Lake.

Fortnite Skins – End Game

In this -based LTM, Infinity Stones will periodically fall onto the Battle Royale island. The hero team’s primary objective is to prevent Thanos or the Chitauri from acquiring all six of the stones, while also working to eliminate as many Chitauri as possible. The enemy team, naturally, is working to acquire the Infinity Stones, as doing so not only brings Thanos into the fold, but it also boosts the health of everyone on that team.

Fortnite Items – Medikit

The Medikit is a healing item in Fortnite ‘s Battle Royale mode . Once you have found the potion, you can use its help to fill up your condition to the maximum. However, it takes 10 seconds to drain the entire medkit; therefore, you should make sure to find good cover so as not to be discovered and attacked by opponents in the meantime.

Fortnite Outfits – Hybrid

Hybrid is a Legendary Skin for Fortnite ‘s Battle Royale mode , obtained as a reward for Tier 1 of the – Season 8 Battle Pass . He is also part of the Dragonspawn set. The hybrid skin is one of the in-game outfits that have unlockable styles. In addition to the base skin, there are nine additional tiers that can be unlocked for the skin, for a total of ten different styles.

Fortnite Pickaxes – Elite Cleat

The Elite Cleat is the name of one of the uncommon harvesting tool skins for the game . Pickaxe skins do not provide any added function or benefit to the player and do not affect the efficiency of the default harvesting tool. Skins are created purely for aesthetic purposes.

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Fortnite is a co-op survival shooter developed by People Can Fly and Epic Games, which gained its popularity through a free-to-play standalone mode based on the Battle Royale genre, Fortnite Battle Royale. The third-person shooter was released worldwide on July 25, 2017, for PlayStation 4, Xbox One, and Windows. A Chinese version appeared later with restrictions.
Fortnite Battle Royale was released on September 26, 2017. In March 2018, Fortnite Battle Royale was also released for Apple iOS devices as part of an invite event. The Android version of the Battle Royale offshoot was released in early August 2018, and Fortnite Battle Royale was released for Nintendo Switch in June 2018. A version for the Xbox Series X and PlayStation 5 became available on their respective release days.

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