Hiya (T) v Savior (Z) on Electric Circuit – StarCraft – Brood War REMASTERED

Thank you to Falcon Paladin for uploading this video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jqPjctgHsOE

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##StarCraft2: #LegacyoftheVoid shoutcasts every day of the week! #Blizzard Entertainment at its best! Real-time strategy casts daily!

#FalconPaladin ##StarCraftRemastered #BroodWar

#Starcraft Heroes – Matt Horner.

Matt Horner spent his youth as the second son of a minor trader on #Tyrador IX, and from an early age craved a change from his easy and uneventful life. That change was promised by the tales of a passing trader, about a tyrannical empire and brave men and women who wanted to liberate the land.

Planets #Starcraft – Kaldir.

A moon of the gas giant Midr IV, Kaldir is among the coldest terrestrial locations in the Koprulu Sector. Its upper atmosphere rejects heat and allows almost no sunlight to reach the surface. For this reason, only two native life forms have been discovered on Kaldir to date. One of these, a species of extremophile bacteria, serves as the power source for the others: a group of brutal Ursadons.

#Starcraft Units – Probe.

The Probe is the #Protoss worker. It harvests Resources, has a low-powered ranged attack (with a range of one), and can build any #Protoss building. All buildings other than a Pylon, Nexus, and Assimilator must be built within power range from a nearby Pylon. Unlike the #Terran SCV, the Probe does not have to keep working on a building being warped in, and instead can go do other tasks such as build more buildings or harvest resources.

#Starcraft Missions – Veterans.

For this mission, the presence of “Ferocious Mutation” is a crucial advantage. This makes it easy to destroy the base in the east (1) in the beginning and in the golden expansion (2) without any major problems, since the zerglings and banelings don’t actually die before they can do the damage to the terran units.

#Starcraft Buildings – Extractor.

The Extractor is the #Zerg building from which Drones collect Vespene Gas. The Extractor is the #Zerg equivalent to the #Terran Refinery and the #Protoss Assimilator.


#StarCraft is a real-time strategy game developed by #Blizzard Entertainment and released in 1998. In the same year, the only expansion, #StarCraft: #BroodWar, was released, which continues the story of the basic game and includes new game contents. In 2000, the game, including the expansion, was adapted by Mass Media and Nintendo for the Nintendo 64 gaming platform. With more than 9.5 million copies sold, #StarCraft was the best-selling real-time strategy game in August 2007. On April 19, 2017, #StarCraft was released for free, including the #BroodWar expansion and some customization’s.

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