Hero (Z) v Snow (P) on Transistor – StarCraft – Brood War REMASTERED

Thank you to Falcon Paladin for uploading this video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Cf_qMKH74eU

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##StarCraft2: #LegacyoftheVoid shoutcasts every day of the week! #Blizzard Entertainment at its best! Real-time strategy casts daily!

#FalconPaladin #BroodWar ##StarCraftRemastered

#Starcraft Heroes – Zasz.

Zasz was one of the Cerebrates created by the Overmind from its own consciousness to command the different #Broods of the #Zerg. During the Great War, Zasz advised a new Cerebrate produced to safeguard the chrysalis holding Sarah Kerrigan.

Planets #Starcraft – Korhal.

Korhal IV is the headquarters of the #Terran , and its irradiated surface is a common testament to humanity’s warlike past in the Koprulu Sector. The planet is the fourth in the Korhal system and is often simply called “Korhal”. It was green and had a mild climate when it was colonized by the #Tarsonian settlers in the early years of #Terran expansion.

#Starcraft Units – Drohne.

The Drone is the #Zerg Worker. It can gather Minerals and Vespene Gas and has a low-damage ranged attack (range of one.) It can morph into a #Zerg building anywhere on any Creep generated from Creep Colonies
and Hatcheries, even when the creep is sustained by neutral or enemy buildings.

#Starcraft Missions – Completely Screwed.

Description: Those of Moebius want us to retrieve another artifact from a dead planet called Xil. Apparently they sent their of specialists there – but lost contact two days ago. Bad luck I would say. We’ll get a hazard surcharge for the mission for that.

#Starcraft Buildings – Infestor.

The Infestor is an offensive spellcaster, meaning that its abilities are used to harm enemy units rather than support the player’s units. It can be built after the #Zerg player has an Infestation Pit. Infestors have three abilities: Neural Parasite, Fungal Growth, and Microbial Shroud. They can move while burrowed if Burrow is researched.


#StarCraft is a real-time strategy game developed by #Blizzard Entertainment and released in 1998. In the same year, the only expansion, #StarCraft: #BroodWar, was released, which continues the story of the basic game and includes new game contents. In 2000, the game, including the expansion, was adapted by Mass Media and Nintendo for the Nintendo 64 gaming platform. With more than 9.5 million copies sold, #StarCraft was the best-selling real-time strategy game in August 2007. On April 19, 2017, #StarCraft was released for free, including the #BroodWar expansion and some customization’s.

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