Here’s how to prepare for Phase 3 of TBC Classic

WoW:How to best prepare for of TBC Classic now

The Phase 2 of WoW: Burning Crusade Classic is now more than two and a half months old, and it shouldn’t be too long before the Blizzard developers start talking concretely about the next content patch and reveal a release date. However, many of the upcoming challenges require quest series or other things, or bring special mechanics that Outland adventurers will have to prepare for.

If you don’t take care of these things until after the start of Phase 3, you’ll be faced with a huge mountain of work that wants to be cleared in the shortest amount of time. It’s better to use the time until the update’s release to prepare for the upcoming phase in the best possible way. We will help you with this guide.

Features of Phase 3 of TBC Classic

Once again, here is the new content that will land on the live servers of TBC Classic with Phase 3:

  • Hyjal Peak (raid instance, was already available at the TBC launch in 2007)
  • (Raid instance, came with patch 2.1)
  • Start of Arena – Season 3 (came with patch 2.3 at that time)

Attunements for Black Temple and Hyjal Peak

who have been actively raiding TBC Classic and mastering the Tier 5 content over the past few months can breathe a sigh of relief: the biggest chunk of work has already been done. In order to experience the battle for Hyjal Peak and the battles in the Black Temple, you first have to complete the Attunements for the Serpentshrine Cave and the Fortress of Storms. Master.

In parallel, you could already start the attunement for the Black Temple since phase 1 in Shadowmoon Valley. Start with Arcanist Thelis (Seer, in the Sanctum of Stars) or Anchoretin Ceyla (Aldor, in the Altar of Sha’tar) with the quest “Scripture tablets of Baa’ri“. Many of the quests that come your way can be done alone. However, you can also expect a 5-player challenge, which you should tackle promptly in order to easily find fellow players for the quest: The Terrace of Ata’mal.

Kill the final bosses!

Once you’ve defeated Shadow Lord Deathwrath, talked to Akama at the Guardian’s Dungeon, and completed the Attunements for the Tier 5 Raids, stop by the Caverns of Time! There you will receive from Soridormi the quest The Vials of Eternity, which is part of the attunement process for the next stage. Specifically, you are to defeat Lady Vashj and Kael’thas Sunwalker, the two final bosses of the Tier 5 Raids, and take the following items from them:

Is the quest divisible?
Yup, you can share the quest The vials of eternity Share with your guild and raid mates. Theoretically, only one player needs to visit the Caverns of Time.
Once turned in, you’ll unlock early access to the Battle for Hyjal raid instance, which will be playable in the next phase. The sooner you can put a check mark behind this task, the better.

You can also continue the Attunement quest line for the Black Temple in the Tier 5 raids. Speak to Seer Olum in the Serpentshrine Cave (behind Deep Lord Karathress) to receive the quest The Endangered Secret to obtain. From there you’ll go to Akama and then to the Fortress of Storms, where you’ll have to defeat Al’ar in disguise.

After that, it’s back to phase 3 in the aforementioned raid instance “Battle for the Hyjal,” where you’ll have to fight Furor Winterfrost for the Time-Distorted Phylactery should facilitate. In this way, you will eventually earn access to the Black Temple.

Tip: With the Attune addon, you can always keep track of your Attunement quest lines!

Resistance Equipment for Black Temple and Hyjal Peak

As in the Tier 5 raid instances, you can expect boss fights in the Black Temple and Hyjal Peak, where high resistances will play an important role.

Battle for the Hyjal

  • You don’t necessarily need resistance gear for any of the bosses here. But you can make the fights against Azgalor and Kaz’rogal easier if the raid has at least some shadow resistance at the start. It’s a good thing that the opening of the Black Temple will provide you with corresponding items sooner or later. Already the combination of Blessed Medallion of Karabor plus Night End plus Shadow protection brings you 150 shadow resistance, which will already make the fights much easier.

The Black Temple

  • For the fight against Mother Shahraz the entire raid (apart from the tanks) needs as high a shadow resistance as possible.
  • At Illidan Once again, a Warlock needs to tank, in full Shadow Resistance gear. You will also need two “normal” tanks with high fire resistance values to take care of the summoned elementals.

For the fight against Illidan, you will need, among other things, two tanks with high fire resistance values.

For the fight against Illidan you need, among other things, two tanks with high fire resistance values.

Source: buffed

What can be prepared already now?

For many of the best shadow resistance parts you need recipes and materials (Heart of darkness), which you can only farm from phase 3. You can already get the fire resistance gear for your tanks for the Illidan fight:

You can also get protective potions for fire and shadow now, the most efficient way is to make cauldrons:

Farm for phase 3 primordial shadows and other raw materials!

Farm for phase 3 primordial shadows and other raw materials!

Source: buffed

Boss Guides for Black Temple and Battle for Hyjal

Here you can find our boss guides for the Black Temple and Battle for Hyjal from the Burning Crusade era (we will update them again in terms of content and layout before the start of Phase 3):

Sensible investments / items to farm for phase 3

We’ve already hinted at it: with the start of Phase 3, every raid will want to equip all comrades-in-arms with Shadow Resistance gear as soon as possible. However, for these items you will need not only Heart of Darkness, but also

and in large quantities. Thanks to the new raid instances, however, fresh recipes will also come into play that have nothing to do with resistances. The production of these items will also cost Heart of Darkness different original variants, plus the already available leathers, fabrics and ingots of Outland.

Protective paladins are worth their weight in gold in the battle for Hyjal.

Protection paladins are worth gold in the battle for Hyjal.

Source: Blizzard

Protection paladins on the Hyjal peak

With the Battle for Hyjal, a raid instance comes into play that throws numerous large add waves at us. If you don’t have a Protection Paladin in your squad yet, you’ll wish it were different by now at the latest (and get a volunteer tank-ready promptly). However, it’s not enough to put a Protection Paladin in front of the raid and he’ll do it. Some of the adds can stun, which can make the pulls noticeably more difficult.

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