#h12j DOTA 2 ability draft with hero keeper of the light with last skills wukong – No. 4 2 – Dota eSports

Cosmetics -Aspects of Beast and Man

The set comes with a weapon, head, back, and arms. In addition, the weapon has new visual effects for “Blade Fury”.

Heroes Dota 2 – Death Prophet

Krobelus, the Death Prophet, is an Intelligence heroine from DotA and Dota 2. She is a ranged Dire unit whose Ultimate ability can deal great damage against enemies and buildings. In the game, she can the role of a pusher, nuker and durabler. Her Crypt ability can deal a large amount of area damage, while her Silence can silence enemy heroes, temporarily limiting their ability to act.

Dota 2 – iceiceice – Daryl Koh Pei Xiang

Daryl Koh “iceiceice” Pei Xiang is a Singaporean player, who currently plays for Fnatic. A famous DotA player who had notably won ESWC Paris and CAPL, iceiceice pursued a StarCraft II career in 2010 and early 2011 and switched to Dota 2 in 2011. In August 2011, iceiceice made his first steps in the Dota 2 competitive scene as he attended The International 2011 with Scythe . iceiceice and his teammates eventually took third place at the event, losing to EHOME in the losers’ bracket finals, and sharing a $150,000 prize

Items Dota 2-Satanic

Satanic is a utility item from DotA and Dota 2.

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