Guild Wars 2: Developers giveaways

is all about the look – after all, Arenanet’s MMORPG doesn’t rely on endless item levels, but on horizontal progression and cool in the endgame. The fantastic mounts of the online role-playing game are no exception. After all, you can buy countless skins for mounts in the in-game store. But on the occasion of the tenth anniversary in 2022, there are not only great character gifts, the developers also give away a mount skin of your choice – you are literally spoiled for choice, because the selection is gigantic. Whereby there are restrictions … which ones? And how do you get the free skin? Scroll down and you’ll find out!

Guild Wars 2: How big was the Steam launch really?

How significant was the Steam release for Guild Wars 2? How many players have joined now? We shed some light on the player numbers.

Guild Wars 2: Impressions from the Release – Time Travel to the Year 2012

Today, August 25th, Guild Wars 2 was released in 2012: Matthias has dug out his release day pictures and takes you on a nostalgic journey!

Free mount for all Guild Wars 2 players

Where to get the free mount in Guild Wars 2 (buy now )? Simply log into Guild Wars 2 and select the Actions tab in the Gem Shop (default “O” key). There you will find for the price of “0 gems” the Black Lion Special Mount Selection. This contains all the mounts from the previous selection license offers, so it represents a huge selection. You can get this item for free within the next three weeks, but after that you still have endless time to make your decision regarding the free mount.

The 'Black Lion Special Mount Selection License' in GW2 offers an unprecedented choice of a specific mount skin of the selection licenses - and it's free!

The “Black Lion Special Riding Selection License” in GW2 offers an unprecedented choice of a specific mount skin of the selection licenses – and it’s free!

Source: buffed

Excluded from this mount collection are:

  • More expensive mount packages for 1,600+ gems. These were never part of the adoption licenses and were sold separately. So no Halloween mounts, Aurach jackals, or plush griffins.
  • Mount skins released since End of Dragons. So there is no turtle skin, Kirin jackal, or Canthan sky scales.

Other than that, there are no restrictions. Of course, you have to have Path of Fire or End of Dragons unlocked as an expansion to pick up the offer in the store – otherwise you wouldn’t have access to mounts anyway, so you wouldn’t get anything out of a mount skin.

Agony of choice: Which mount skin should you take?

But which free skin should you pick? Author Matthias is also spoiled for choice, but has narrowed down his options with a few helpful questions:

  • Which mount do you prefer to use?
  • Which mount has the most beautiful skins (for you)?
  • For which mount are you still missing beautiful skins?

The combination of these answers lets you narrow down which cool looks are even possible. For example, if you already have a great skin for your sky scales for 2,000 gems, it might make more sense to get a free skin for the raptor you use a lot, if you haven’t unlocked a skin for raptors yet. What’s your choice? Or do you have the item waiting in the bank first? What is your favorite mount? Write us in the comments!

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