German patch notes for update 4.11 – Mengsk, map mechanics and difficulty level

In recent weeks, numerous changes for could already be played in test mode, now has been released. Among the innovations is also the new commander “”, which was revealed at Blizzcon. For the co-op mode, the level “+” was added and for maps the mechanic “Acceleration Zone Generator” was introduced.

The update also implemented numerous balance changes for Terran, Zerg and Protoss and also fixed numerous bugs. Below you can find the complete for Update 4.11 with an overview of all and changes.

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    • New co-op commander and announcer: Arcturus Mengsk
        • Reigns as Arcturus Mengsk, the newest co-op commander for StarCraft II, with an iron fist over the battlefield.
        • Burn up an endless stream of cheap militia units as cannon fodder to wear down your opponents before the Imperial Guard deals them the death blow.
    • The new announcer winter is now available.
    • 16 Nation Wars 2019 Team Portraits have been added to the Savings Pack: Nation Wars 2019, available through Matcherino’s website.
    • In 1vs1 games, the player assignment score of players at the ranks of Master and Grandmaster is now displayed in the loading screen.
    • A link to account management has been added to the login screen.
    • Participation in games against DeepMind was disabled with this patch.
    • Test mode has been deactivated.

    • Added Brutal+ difficulty levels to Co-op mode. These difficulty levels create random mutation challenges that increase in difficulty. If players fail a challenge, they can try again on the same map against the same enemy unit composition using the Brutal+ retry setting. You can queue for Brutal+1 with any level 15 commander via the player assignment. Brutal+2 through Brutal+6, as well as the Retry setting, can only be played with a preset group.
    • Co-op players on Hard difficulty will now play on the Faster game speed to match the speed of players on Brutal.
    • Ultralisk’s Frenzied ability no longer blocks mind control effects in co-op mode.
    • Ultralisks can now run over zerglings, burstlings, terrors, and broodlings in co-op mode.


    • Balance update
        • Terran
            • Heavy cruiser
                • Tactical Warp Jump now stuns Heavy Cruisers for 1 sec, making them briefly vulnerable before teleporting. Heavy Cruisers can be damaged in this state, but Tactical Warp Jump cannot be interrupted.
                • Yamato Cannon no longer interrupts itself when the target enters a transporter or cloaks or burrows. Instead, Yamato Cannon will miss the target and the cooldown will trigger.
                • Fixed a bug where heavy cruisers were immune to dragging or jamming matrix as if they were just using Tactical Warp Jump when they were just lining up the Tactical Warp Jump command.
                • Fixed a bug that caused Raven’s Disruptive Matrix and Viper’s Drag to trigger cooldowns on Heavy Cruiser Tactical Warp Jump.
                • Fixed a bug where enemy Heavy Cruisers were displayed on the minimap after using Tactical Warp Jump.
            • Hellion/Combat hellion
                • The research cost for Infernal Ignition System has been reduced from 150/150 to 100/100.
            • Hawk
                • The Improved Ballistics upgrade has been moved from the Spaceport Tech Lab to the Fusion Core.
                • The Improved Ballistics upgrade now increases the range of Falcons in defense mode by 3 (previously 4).
            • Medivac
                • The upgrade fast burn system has been moved from the spaceport tech lab to the fusion core.
                • This upgrade will not only reduce the cooldown of ignite afterburner by 5sec in the future, but also increase the basic movement speed of Medivacs from 3.5 to 4.13. However, it will have no effect on movement speed while ignite afterburner is active.
            • M.U.L.E.
                • The duration remains at 64 sec

                  Developer comment: Since it sometimes happens that the reduced duration brought in less resources than before, we want to keep the original duration of 64 sec.

                • M.U.L.E.s now always appear, if possible, on the side of the minerals facing the main building.
            • Raven
                • The energy cost of disruptive matrix has been increased from 50 to 75.
                • Duration of disruptive matrix increased from 8 to 11 sec.
                • Ravens movement speed has been increased from 3.85 to 4.13.
                • Fixed a bug where area damage was not applied as intended to units affected by anti-tank missile.
            • Thor
                • Reduced Armor Piercing Charge damage from 40 (+15 against massive units) to 25 (+10 against massive units).
                • Reduced the cooldown of Armor Piercing Explosive Charge from 1.7 to 0.9.
        • Zerg
            • Broodlord
                • The line radius of Brütlingen was reduced from 12 to 9.
            • Creeper
                • Active creeper tumors can no longer be aborted.
            • Verseucher
                • The ability Contaminated Terran has been removed.
                • New ability: Microbial veil
                    • Creates a fog that obscures ground units, causing them to take 50% less damage from air units. Lasts for 11 sec. Energy cost: 100
                    • Ability range: 9
                    • Radius: 3
                • New upgrade in the pit of contamination: develop microbial veil
                    • Prerequisite: swarm stick
                    • Research cost: 150/150
                    • Research time: 79 sec.
                • The graphic and sound effects of Microbial Veil have been updated.
                • Reduced the range of Neural Parasite from 9 to 8.
                • Neural parasite can no longer target heroic units.
            • Lurker
                • The construction time of the sneak was reduced from 86 to 57 sec.
                • The range of lurkers has been reduced from 9 to 8.
                • New upgrade in the Schleicherbau: Seismic spine
                    • Increases the range of lurkers from 8 to 10.
                    • Prerequisite: swarm stick
                    • Research cost: 150/150
                    • Research time: 57 sec.
                • Adaptive Claws research time increased from 54 to 57 sec.
                • Lurkers affected by Veil now only hit within melee range.
            • Nydus Network
                • The cost of Nydus Worm has been increased from 50/50 to 75/75.
                • The ability cooldown of Summon Nydus Worm has been increased from 0 to 14 sec.
                • Increased initial unloading delay from Nydus network and Nydus worm from 0.18 to 0.36.
                • The interval between loading units into Nydus Network and Nydus Worm has been increased from 0.09 to 0.18.
                • The interval between unloading units in Nydus Network and Nydus Worm has been increased from 0.18 to 0.36.
            • Overlord
                • The research cost for Pneumatic Tank has been increased from 75/75 to 100/100.
        • Protoss
            • Adept
                • Resonance Gleven has been revised. Instead of reducing the time between Adept attacks by 45%, the upgrade will now reduce the time between Adept attacks by 60% for 6 sec after a completed Psi Transfer.
            • Mothership
                • Time curvature now affects air units in addition to ground units and buildings.
                • Time bend delay reduced from 3.57 to 1.79 sec.
                • Is now a heroic unit. Neural Parasite can no longer target heroic units.
                • Fixed a bug where ray-based weapons were not slowed down by the use of Mothership Time Bend.
            • Observer
                • The movement speed of observers has been reduced from 3.01 to 2.63.
                • The Gravity Booster upgrade now increases movement speed by 1.31 (previously 1.51).
            • Oracle, protector, phase glider
                • Fixed a bug that caused ray attacks to cause more damage than intended.
            • Tempest
                • Kinetic Overload (Air Defense) range reduced from 15 to 14.
                • Hit points increased from 150 to 200.
                • Shield points reduced from 125 to 100.
            • Phase slider
                • New upgrade in the fleet signal generator: airflow rudder
                • Increases the movement speed of phase sliders from 3.5 to 4.65.
                • Increases the acceleration of phase sliders from 2.8 to 3.76.
                • After this upgrade, the Prismatic Alignment ability continues to reduce the movement speed of Phase Gliders to 2.625.
                • Research cost: 100/100
                • Research time: 57 sec.
                • Fixed a bug where after researching the Airflow Rudder upgrade, the acceleration of phase sliders was not reduced during Prismatic Alignment.
            • Berserker
                • The Storm Attack upgrade no longer grants +8 damage to Berserkers when they reach their target. Instead, it increases the movement speed of Berserkers from 3.15 to 4.72 (previously 4.13).
    • Cards
        • We are introducing a new map mechanic:
            • Acceleration zone generator
                • Increases the movement speed of ground and air units within their energy field by 35%.
        • The color of the inhibition zones and the bubbles of time curvature has been changed from green to red. The fields of the acceleration zone generators will be green.
        • The mini-map icons of inhibition zone generators have been changed from green to red. The mini-map icons of acceleration zone generators will be green.
        • The centers of escapement and acceleration zone generators are now passable. They have been visually revised to indicate that.
        • Concord LE
            • The light status has been updated.
        • Eternal Empire LE
            • Fixed a bug that prevented players from building on certain geysers.
            • Fixed a bug that caused units to attach in doodad rocks, making them invisible.
        • Nightshade LE
            • Adjustments were made to the positions for gas for original, third and fourth base.
            • Adjustments have been made to the positions for doodads.
            • The map has been adjusted so that units and buildings appear brighter and are therefore easy to recognize.
        • Winter Gate LE & Turbo Cruise ’84 LE
            • The center points of the inhibition zone generators are now passable. The maps have been updated to maintain the original wayfinding around the inhibition zone generators.
        • World of sleepers LE
            • The rich vespingeysirs were changed to normal vespingeysirs.
        • Zen LE
            • Changed wayfinding on paths for avengers to work as intended.
            • Changed the location of the small mineral field and updated the wayfinding on the map to allow Terrans to block natural expansion with 1 command center and 2 supply depots.
            • The heights of certain doodad building roofs have been adjusted.
            • Updated the grass and rock textures in the center of the map.

Fixed bugs


    • Legacy of the Void
        • Kerrigan’s queens no longer attempt to place creeper tumors in places not intended for them in the epilogue mission.
    • Nova’s secret missions
        • Pursuit missiles from Ravens equipped with special armament now cause area damage.

Co-op missions

    • General
        • Missions now randomly select a victory slogan from the map or commander as intended.
        • Amon’s brood queens will no longer automatically use capture on buildings.
    • Commanders
        • Han and Horner
            • Fixed a bug where some of Han’s buildings did not display their scrap collector adjutant.
        • Karax
            • Time compensator can no longer be used on Kerrigan’s collectible resources.
        • Kerrigan
            • Omegaworms can no longer prevent the defeat of Kerrigan’s ally.
            • Zerglings of the genus Raptor will no longer occasionally leave Nydus worms at high speed.
        • Stetmann
            • Fixed a bug where jumping mecha burstlings could cause overkills.
            • Game performance with a high number of Stetellites on the map has been greatly improved.
            • Hotkeys for mecha drones can now be customized.
            • Mecha burstlings now count towards Zagara’s statistics for burstlings and terrors.
            • Gary is now subject to the same principles as other air units.
        • Tychus
            • Tychus players can no longer get access to additional Outlaws earlier than they should.
        • Vorazun
            • Empty Molochs are now created as intended when Vorazun Time Halt is applied before or during their creation.
            • Fixed a bug where some heroic units did not benefit from Vorazun’s mastery, which increases the speed of units by stalling for time.
        • Zagara
            • Damage caused by mecha burstlings now counts towards Zagara’s burstlings and terrors statistics, as intended.
        • Zeratul
            • The artifact will move itself when its place of appearance becomes impassable.
            • Zeratul is now offloaded as intended when dropped over large units.
            • Fixed a bug that prevented Empty Templar from dealing damage when transiting.
            • Xel’Naga Guardians are now affected by mutators that limit their vision, regardless of artifacts collected, as intended.
    • Missions
        • Electronic warfare
            • Fixed a bug that could cause the mini-map icon of a defense tower to persist indefinitely.
            • Fixed a bug where the wayfinding of air units near the players’ main base did not work as intended.
        • Not without my buddy
            • The Eliminator’s magnetic cannon can no longer hit targets that are behind it.
        • In the service of science
            • Mining bots will no longer occasionally run away.
            • Fixed a bug that could make the bonus objectives invisible.
        • Transtarsonian railroad
            • Damage is no longer occasionally ignored when attacking multiple wagons.
        • Scourge of Amon
            • New units from void columns are now affected by mutator polarity as intended.
            • Larvae and eggs no longer die if a nearby brood, burrow, or swarm hive is destroyed.
        • Temple of the past
            • Fixed a bug that could make the bonus objectives invisible.
        • Shuttle to debris
            • Leviathans, Motherships or Lokis now appear in the last shuttle wave as intended.
    • Mutators
        • When the mutator polarity is selected, bonus AI terminals will no longer be hostile to players.
        • Amon’s Dehaka no longer transforms when the Mutator Transmutation is active.
        • Blank column mini-map icons are no longer displayed very small on low graphics settings.
        • Destructor beams now avoid the same areas that other mutators avoid.
        • The Mutator shock attack no longer affects speeding targets.


    • The visual indicator for the cooldown of the Ihan-rii Disruptor’s Psi-Nova ability and the cooldown animation are now displayed as intended.
    • When selecting an upgrade from the Cybernetics Core with the Steeled skin, the intended animation for the upgrade is now displayed.

User interface

    • The portrait frames in the Versus mode loading screen now show your of the species you are currently playing, rather than your highest league of all species.
    • Fixed some issues where console skins were incorrectly displayed in-game and in replays.
    • The multiple dig-in icons in the Zerglings help menu are no longer displayed in the game.
    • The custom game lobby has been revised so that the screenshot button no longer overlaps with the map detail text.

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