Games Call of Duty: Modern Warfare

2 is the sixth installment in the Call of Duty series. The first-person shooter was developed by Infinity Ward and was released worldwide on November 10, 2009 for PC, XBOX 360 and PlayStation 3. The game was slightly censored in Germany and the US version was indexed by the testing center for media harmful to young people. The game was rated 88% by consumers, so this falls into the ” Recommendable ” category.

The game consists of a campaign, a special ops mode, and a multiplayer mode. After playing through the single-player mode, a bonus level, the museum, is unlocked.

single player

The campaign consists of 18 missions divided into three acts. The events take place in 2016. Despite the efforts of the United States Marine Corps and the SAS , the ultra-nationalists managed to take control of Russia and celebrate Imran Zakhaev as a hero and martyr. A statue of him is placed in the middle of Red Square in his honor. Vladimir Makarov, one of Zakhaev’s former lieutenants, launches a campaign against Europe and begins a bloody campaign against Europe over the next five years.

Meanwhile, in Afghanistan, US Army Ranger PFC Joseph Allen helps capture a town that has been taken over by an insurgent group known as OpFor. Impressed by Allen’s skills, Shepherd recruits him to Task Force 141, an anti-terrorist unit under his command. Meanwhile, two other members of Task Force 141, Cpt. “Soap” MacTavish and Sgt. Gary “Roach” Anderson, a Russian base in the Tian Shan Mountains obtained an ACS module from a downed satellite.

Allen is later sent by the CIA on an undercover mission to join Makarov’s group and assist him and his team in a Moscow airport massacre in order to gain their trust. However, Makarov uncovers Allen’s true identity, killing him while escaping and leaving his body behind. Thus, America’s involvement in this assassination was exposed, sparking a war between Russia and the United States of America.

Angered by the belief that America was responsible for the attack, Russia retaliates with a massive invasion of the United States. Using the data from the ACS module, which they obtained before MacTavish and Sanderson stole it, they were able to manipulate the US satellite system and launch a surprise attack. Sergeant Foley leads his squad, including Pvt. James Ramirez, defending a northeastern Virginia suburb against Russian invasion. He leads them to Washington DC, where a fierce battle has broken out against the Russian soldiers.

Meanwhile, Task Force 141 searches for evidence that Makarov was the mastermind behind the airport massacre. Their trail leads to a favela in Rio de Janeiro, where the team hunts down one of Makarov’s contacts, arms dealer Alejandro Rojas. From him, they learn that Makarov’s nemesis, a certain prisoner #627, is a prisoner in a Russian gulag. Task Force 141 storms the Gulag and frees the prisoner, who turns out to be Captain Price.

Price agrees to help Soap and Shepherd track down Makarov but explains that defending America is the top priority. To end the invasion, Price leads the soldiers in an attack on a Russian port, where they take control of a submarine armed with a nuclear missile. Price launches a missile towards Washington DC and detonates the warhead in the atmosphere, so that it does not injure any soldiers through the detonation, but disables all electronic devices through the electromagnetic pulse.

In Washington DC, Ramirez and his men take cover from the helicopters that crash through the EMP and make their way to the White House. There they learn from a broadcast that the Air Force intends to cleanse the city of enemy soldiers with a carpet bombing. But Foley and his squad manage to signal at the last second with flares that there are still American soldiers in the city who want to defend their country.

Meanwhile, Task Force 141 narrows down Makarov’s hideout to two possible locations, so they split up. Price and Soap travel to an airplane graveyard while Roach and Ghost storm a property on the Georgia-Russia border. Once at the house on the property, the team is able to secure important data from Makarov’s computer. However, when they reach the exfiltration point with them, Shepherd betrays them, murders Roach and Ghost, and takes the data.

Price and MacTavish find out about the Varrat and escape from a fight between Shepherd and Makarov’s men. After they contacted Makarov and offered to kill Shepherd for him, Makarov reluctantly revealed Shepherd’s location at a base in Afghanistan. In a suicide mission, Price and MacTavish storm the base to get revenge on Shepherd. But Shepherd tries to escape in a motorboat.

The duo eventually catches Shepherd, who reveals his true motives. He’s trying to avenge the marines who died in the detonation of the atomic bomb in Call of Duty: . MacTavish, wounded with a knife, watches as Shepherd threatens to kill his comrades in hand-to-hand combat. In a final act, MacTavish pulls the knife out of his body and throws it at Shepherd, killing him. The doomed soldiers are helped as Nikolai tracks down and rescue the injured. The game ends with this cliffhanger.


Act I

  • The old story  – Make it on Shepherd’s team
  • Team Player – Locate and eliminate enemy forces.
  • Cliffhanger – Find and recover the ACS module from the satellite crash site.
  • No Russian – Earn Makarov’s trust.
  • Access – Find and capture the arms dealer Alejandro Rojas hiding somewhere in the slum.

Act II

  • Wolverines! – Find and protect Codename Raptor during the beginning of invasion.
  • The Hornet’s Nest – Escape the slum.
  • Exodus – Help evacuate civilians and key personnel in the suburbs.
  • The only good day… was yesterday – Enter the oil rig, rescue the hostages and clear the way to the Gulag.
  • The Gulag – Save prisoner number 627.
  • At your own risk – Protect the evacuation site at the Washington Monument.


  • Emergency – Help Captain Price reach the Russian submarine.
  • Second Sun – Get to the White House.
  • Loose Ends – Find and kill Makarov in his lair on the Georgian-Russian border.
  • The Enemy of My Enemy – Escape General Shepherd’s trap at the Airplane Graveyard.
  • Like Old Times – Search the Afghan cave network for General Shepherd.
  • Final Stage – Eliminate General Shepherd.


The online multiplayer mode from Modern Warfare 2 works like its predecessor Call of Duty 4: Through achievements in the game, experience points are collected, with which the player can climb a total of 70 ranks and gradually unlock more and accessories as well as some new properties. In addition to new weapons and weapon attachments, 15 new Killstreak rewards can be unlocked, such as requesting an AC-130 Airstrike after 11 kills or an EMP after 15 consecutive kills.

prestige mode

Once the player has completed rank 70, he can opt for the prestige mode. He then starts again at rank one and loses all unlocked weapons and gear, but gets a prestige icon next to his name instead of the normal rank icon. This process can be performed a total of 10 times. Playing through Prestige Mode for the first time unlocks a new category of challenges. With every second further run, an additional assignable player class is added in the class editor.


Also new in Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 are the titles. There are more than 300 titles awarded by gaining ranks, completing challenges, and the like.

Deployment Shield

Also new is the so-called operational shield, a protective shield that can be used in both single-player and multiplayer modes. He intercepts an unlimited number of shots. However, no firearm can be used while using the shield, in addition, bullet holes obstruct vision. In order to have optimal protection, it is necessary to crouch so that the legs and feet are also covered by the shield. It is also possible to carry the shield on the back and use a firearm; the shield then serves as protection to the rear, since the functionality itself has not changed.


  • Afghan
  • Derail
  • Estate
  • favela
  • high rise
  • invasion
  • Karachi
  • Quarry
  • rundown
  • Rust
  • Scrapyard
  • Skidrow
  • subbase
  • terminal
  • underpass
  • wasteland
  • bailout
  • crash
  • overgrown
  • salvage
  • Storm
  • Carnival
  • Fuel
  • Strike
  • trailer park
  • vacant

special unit

The game includes a co-op mode, Special Ops, which consists of standalone missions similar to the Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare epilogue. The missions take place in the same regions as the single-player mode and make reference to the main storyline of the game. In addition to the split-screen or online mode, the co-op mode can also be played alone, but some missions can only be played online.


Predator drones, slum gangs, sniper rifles, and sneaks.

  • The Pit – Pass all targets as quickly as possible. If you hurt civilians, you don’t get 3 stars.
  • Sharp Shot – Deploy sniper rifles, claymores, and Predator drones.
  • Cristo Redentor – Hunt and kill the slum gang. No unnecessary civilian casualties.
  • Dodge – Use silenced sniper rifles to cleverly sneak past enemies.
  • Suspension Bridge – Push through the lines of invading troops on the bridge to reach the safe zone.


AC-130 fighter planes, snowmobile racers, and miniguns with explosive ammunition. There’s something for everyone.

  • Patrol – Use an AC-130 fighter jet to protect your partner.
  • Difficult decision – you must eliminate your opponents as quickly as possible.
  • Demolition Squad – Rush across the slum marketplace and defuse the bomb before it’s too late.
  • Race – Race your snowmobile through the mountains, dodging trees, rocks, and 300 meters of drops.
  • Big Brother – Explosive Munitions, Minigun, Blackhawk Helicopter. Clear the way.


Time Attacks, Explosive Dashes, Airplane Graveyards, and Enemies in Camouflage. It’s getting hairy

  • Hidden – Shit out enemy patrols and stealth snipers near Chornobyl.
  • Push & Secure – Break through the enemy troops into the Gulag and escape. (Slow Motion Dash)
  • Time Attack – Drive your snowmobile across the track before time runs out. Pass the flag gates to get more time.
  • Homeland Security – Autoguns, thermal sights, grenade launchers, and claymores. Defend against five waves of attackers.
  • Quick Access – Fight Shadow Company and Juggernauts. Bring the reconnaissance data to the evacuation point.


Blizzards, airports, estates, and bridges. Five challenging missions.

  • Warfare – For the Stryker armored vehicle, mark targets with the laser. Fight your way from house to house and room to room in the suburbs.
  • Wreck – Use C4, Grenade Launcher, Launcher, Turret, Semtex, and more to destroy every vehicle on the bridge.
  • Casualties – Sabotage the discarded airbase with your weapons and heartbeat sensor.
  • Terminal – Smash through enemy riot shield ambushes.
  • Assault on the Estate – Take out the stealth snipers, elite mercenaries, and juggernauts guarding the estate.


An oil rig and a slum full of Juggernauts.

  • Runaway – Push into two rooms full of enemies and hostages and secure them to take over the oil rig. (Slow Motion Dash)
  • High Explosive – Kill all Juggernauts with explosive charges and knives. (Explosives and knives only)
  • Tank Breaker – Kill 15 Juggernauts on the Oil Rig. This is going to be difficult.