Gameplay & Ranked in Season 2020 | Dev Video – League of Legends

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#LeagueofLegends Champion – Mage Elise.

Elise is a deadly predator who dwells in a shuttered, lightless palace, deep within the oldest city of Noxus. She was once the mistress of a powerful noble house, until the bite of a vile spider-god transformed her into something utterly inhuman, yet still beautiful—an arachnoid creature, drawing unsuspecting prey into her web. Elise now feeds upon the naive and the faithless, and there are few who can resist her seductions.

#LeagueofLegends Teams – Evil Geniuses.

One of the Dota 2 veterans; Evil Geniuses was founded in October 2011. This makes the team one of the most traditional teams in North America… Nevertheless, the current roster does not quite reflect the team’s old strengths. After all, Arteezy, Suma1L and Cr1t have been committed to EG since 2016, but replacements for the offlane and hard support positions had to be found at the last minute.

#LeagueofLegends #Skins-Firelight Ekko & Ancestral Wood.

# is not over yet, baby! There were four free skins thanks to the best Netflix series in the world. But says: that’s not enough for us! We’ll keep riding the hype train towards the sunset. That’s because the next #Arcane-themed skin is coming soon.

#LeagueofLegends Champion Guides- Diana.

In this Champion Guide, we’ll take a look at Diana, what her strengths are, and how you can best exploit them in the game. Diana is a mobile assassin and can decide an entire game on her own with an early lead. With her, you’re a playmaker whether you’re in Mid Lane, or in the Jungle. What makes Diana so strong? We’ll show you!

LoL #LeagueofLegends – Hot #LeagueofLegends Patch 10.15 News: Nasty Buffs & Nerfs!.

As usual, Gameplay Chief Designer Mark “Scruffy” Yetter released the preview for the upcoming patch 10.15 this morning. Noticeable are the two nerfs of Aphelios and Lee Sin. Can’t we already hear the outcry in the community? Yes, because the two champs are very popular and have recently made many appearances in the LEC and LCS.

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