‘Game is completely fucked’ – eSportsNews eSports FIFA

#EliasNerlich sharply criticizes #EASports for the development of the sports simulation . Why the game has completely gone to the wall.

With the #EligellaXMAS CUP, content creator and CEO of #FokusClan Elias Nerlich showed that you can set up a successful tournament in FIFA if you really want to and also listen to the community. In a nearly 40-minute video Elias criticizes the development of #EASports soccer simulation and even gives some .

Video tip to warm up:

In this video we celebrate again five special FIFA moments on the livestreaming platform twitch.tv. Joining us are xQcOW, Castro_1021, MontanaBlack, MckyTV, DieHahn, AmarCoD, MoAuba and EliasN97.

The conclusion of EliasN97’s Realtalk video can probably be summed up with the following quote:

They have driven this thing completely up the wall.

Elias Nerlich published a YouTube video on February 28th in which Germany’s biggest FIFA content creator explained to his community why the ex-professional of Hertha BSC hasn’t brought FIFA content for “two months”.

The game is completely fucked

The reason why the biggest content creator in Germany (category: FIFA 22) doesn’t play FIFA anymore is quite simple. According to him he can play whatever he feels like and the community is there. For that Elias is also infinitely grateful. So when he thinks about what he wants to play before the stream starts, he thinks about Among US, Fortnite or Formula 1, among others. But when he thinks about FIFA, Elias meanwhile thinks “no go”.

That Eligella doesn’t want to play FIFA anymore, the streamer explains directly in his video.

Every year it’s the same shit.

From FIFA 10 to FIFA 16, the game was said to be kept very simple and “people celebrated the game because the gameplay was fun.” Then with FIFA 17, the simulation got another push with the FUT Champions Weekend League, because suddenly people could compete and rank with each other. Being an elite or top 100 player:in therefore had prestige.

Since then, the game has hardly evolved in a positive way, Eligella says. There is currently “no fun, no good rewards, no goal”.

That’s why fun, good rewards and goals are missing

Elias Nerlich took pains to justify any criticism in the video. According to him, the fun in the game is missing because the game is patched so much “that these 40- and 50-year-old Torstens, who wouldn’t play the game for long anyway,” continue to enjoy . This weakens the game in all areas. The fun of the gameplay is lost as a result, he said. Other areas in the game have also been fun in recent years. We’re talking about good rewards and goals that you could work towards.

He said the current rewards are hardly worth anything anymore due to EA Sports’ rewards policy in the transfer market.

Only 20 games and eight wins for good rewards. Everyone manages eight wins. 100k packs are jettisoned because the market is dead.

In the current Weekend League reward system, it feels like all players:inside are getting valuable packs and guaranteed TOTW cards. As a result, there are a lot of cards in circulation and hardly any of them gain value. For Elias, the solution here would also be to incorporate current promo cards, such as the upcoming FUT Birthday cards, into the rewards so that people “have a reason to sweat Weekend League again”.

Top 100 being taken out sucked.

A reason to sweat to achieve something significant is now basically missing in FIFA 22 Ultimate Team. The Gold 1, Elite 1, or Top 100 ranks have completely lost their importance. Unfortunately, these ranks have been a big factor in the push since FIFA 17. People currently have no reason to grind anymore. In general Elias Nerlich is not alone with his opinion in his circle of friends:

My friends don’t play FIFA anymore.

Elias makes clear that he doesn’t play FIFA 22 anymore, but he will be back with FIFA 23 and he will earn money again. But he will get the money by his streams. But he advises his community not to put money into the game. The reason why Eligella keeps returning to FIFA is his love for soccer. He doesn’t know why, but whenever he watched a good soccer match on TV, he always felt like playing FIFA.

Criticism is followed by tips to EA Sports

EA Sports had to listen to some criticism in this video, but still got many suggestions how the publisher has to adapt with FIFA 23. But we don’t want to anticipate these points and recommend you the video of EliasN97.

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