Fortnite Victory Royal Killing Zombies

Weapons – Light Machine Gun

The Light Machine Gun is a weapon that can be found in Fortnite ‘s Battle Royale mode . It deals 25 to 26 damage per shot depending on rarity and requires medium ammo. You can find the weapon on the ground and in treasure chests; it can also be purchased from vending machines.

Maps Fortnite – Paradise Palms

Moisty Mire has been hit by a drought! In his position is now a desert outpost full of and new opportunities.” Paradise Palms is an area on the map of Fortnite’s Battle Royale mode. It replaced the Moisty Mire area at the beginning of – Season 5.

Fortnite Skins – Cuddle Team

Cuddle Team Leader is a Legendary Outfit in Battle Royale that can be purchased from the Item Shop. The Cuddle Bow Back Bling is bundled with this skin. The Cuddle Team Leader Outfit is a pink skin-tight outfit with a broken heart detail. The outfit also features a huge bear head mask and dark pink gloves.

Fortnite Items – Medikit

The Medikit is a healing item in Fortnite ‘s Battle Royale mode . Once you have found the potion, you can use its help to fill up your condition to the maximum. However, it takes 10 seconds to drain the entire medkit; therefore, you should make sure to find good cover so as not to be discovered and attacked by opponents in the meantime.

Fortnite Outfits – Catalyst

Catalyst is a Legendary Skin for Fortnite ‘s Battle Royale mode , obtained as a reward for Tier 1 of the – Season X Battle Pass . He is also part of the Drift set. The Catalyst skin is one of the in- game outfits that have unlockable styles. In addition to the base skin, there are eleven additional tiers that can be unlocked for the skin, for a total of twelve different styles.

Fortnite Pickaxes – Guardian Axe

Guardian ‘s Ax is a Marvel rarity harvesting tool for Fortnite ‘s Battle Royale mode, and is one of the pickaxes that can be purchased for 500 in the Item Shop . It is also part of the Guardians Of The Galaxy set and was added to the game like the rest of the set as part of the Fortnite X Avengers: Endgame crossover event.

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