Fortnite Epic Wins, Funniest Fails & WTF Moments! No. 10 – Fortnite eSports

Weapons – Light Machine Gun

The Light Machine Gun is a weapon that can be found in Fortnite ‘s Battle Royale mode . It deals 25 to 26 damage per shot depending on rarity and requires medium ammo. You can find the weapon on the ground and in treasure chests; it can also be purchased from vending machines.

Maps Fortnite – Flush Factory

Flush Factory is located in the southwest corner of the map. There is a large toilet factory in the area, hence the name of the area. Most of the time, rather fewer players end up here.

Fortnite Skins – Eternal Conflict

The Eternal Struggle is a set of skins that can be used in Fortnite ‘s Battle Royale mode . Some of them are available in the item shop , some can only be unlocked with the Shadowfire package.

Fortnite Items – Poison Dart Trap

The Poison Dart Trap is a trap in Fortnite ‘s Battle Roylae mode that can be placed on floors as well as walls or ceilings. The trap can be found on the ground. It can be activated from as little as three horizontal tiles or four vertical tiles, firing poison darts. Targets hit by poison darts take damage over time that deals directly to condition and bypasses shields.

Fortnite Outfits – X Lord

The X-Lord is an epic skin for Fortnite ‘s Battle Royale mode , obtained as a reward for Tier 1 of the – Season 10 Battle Pass . He is also part of the Storm Scavenger set. The X-Lord skin is one of the in-game outfits that have unlockable styles. In addition to the base skin, there are seven additional tiers that can be unlocked for the skin, for a total of eight different styles.

Fortnite Pickaxes – Branch Basher

The Branch Basher is an epic skin for the pickaxe in Fortnite ‘s Battle Royale mode and is one of the harvesting tools that can be purchased in the item shop . The Thrashing Branch is also part of the Skull Unity set.

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