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Champion – Fighter Rumble

Rumble is a young inventor with a temper. Using nothing more than his own two hands and a heap of scrap, the feisty yordle constructed a colossal mech suit outfitted with an arsenal of electrified harpoons and incendiary rockets. Though others may scoff and sneer at his junkyard creations, Rumble doesn’t mind—after all, he’s the one with the flamespitter.

of Teams – Vici

What reminds us a bit of the Volkswagen icon is the stick-crushing Club Vichi Gaming. Because in 2012 the dared the unspeakable, without any experience in competitive gameplay, the team simply founded their esport club. Because the players were well-known from the Chinese Dota League, it was only the that was missing.


It’s been a good six months now since Edward Gaming lifted the Summoner’s Cup in Reykjavík. Of course, they also got to pick the champions they wanted to get a World Championship skin for. Some of them were a bit of a surprise, others were already pretty much set from the start.

League of Legends Champion Guides- Aatrox

The blade of darkness crawls out of its juggernaut and terrorizes the toplane. Aatrox definitely offers carry potential if you know a bit about the combo mechanics. In the right matchups, he becomes a beast and dominates the entire game.

LoL League of Legends – : Patch 10.16 – a space hunk

The developers of Riot are taking a short but well-deserved summer break. Patch 10.17 will therefore be very compact. All the bigger is patch 10.16. Today Riot has all kinds of changes in store for you. In the following we go through everything step by step and easily digestible and analyze the most important buffs, nerfs and changes.

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