Finally! The pre-patch is here, the servers are online!

Update from 15:40:

The last update for today (hopefully)! The servers are online, the pre-patch is live. All details about the new features can be found here:

Update from 14:48:

New hour, news happinessnew postponement. Here the tweet:

So until 16:00 the maintenance work should now go.

Update from 14:00:

Uffz, this will be a similar “never ending story” as with the US servers. Once again there was an update from Blizzard on Twitter:

So 15:00 is supposed to be it now. Fingers crossed that this was the last postponement for the pre-patch!

Update from 12:44pm:

The maintenance work for the European region has now been extended until 14:00. In the meantime, we can at least view the list of servers again, and there we can now see the German names of the realms, i.e. Klingenhauer, Ewige Warte, Großdrachenruf and Co.

A few weeks ago Blizzard had “Germanized” the WoW Classic servers for the first time without announcing it. and thus created a real addon chaos. Let’s hope that this will not happen this time.

Update from 10:08:

According to the Realmstatus page, the US TBC Classic servers are finally online. At least in theory. Practically, some seem to have problems creating new characters at the moment – see the latest comments from this forum post. For us, the timer is still set to 13:00.

Update from 09:15:

And there was already the next update from Blizzard: The maintenance work in the US area is now to last another hour longer, until 10:00 clock. The start time for the EU region remains at 13:00.

Original message:

As we all know, the pre-patch of WoW: Burning Crusade Classic was supposed to go online on the US servers yesterday, May 18. But instead of Blood Elves, Draenei and all the other new features. there were only several posts from Blizzard officials. The content of the messages? Sorry, we have to extend the maintenance (again).

The last update was given by Community Manager Kaivax about two hours ago in the official forum: “We’ve made the decision to keep the servers offline for two more hours while we take care of the issues that came up during the maintenance.”

The US servers are now scheduled to come online at 09:00. And what about us? Well, the maintenance work has now been extended from 09:00 to 13:00 as well. If there are any further postponements, we will of course keep you up to date here.

Update for realm status of

By the way, Blizzard has now also updated the website where you can check the realm status of the WoW servers. There you will also find a tab for “Burning Crusade Classic.

Also worthwhile is a visit to the WoW Classic Reddit. There, many players process the waiting time with all kinds of entertaining memes. Here is a small selection:

Meanwhile, Blizzard is hoping for the patience of players:

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How do you spend the wait for the pre-patch of WoW. (buy now )Burning Crusade Classic? Tell us in the comments!

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