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22: Mid & Prime Icon Player Pick SBC – Most Expensive Players & Cheapest Solution

When will the first Icon Moments Player Pick SBCs be released? This is not only a question for us, but also for the community. It’s already almost the middle of March and EA Sports is still releasing Mid or Prime Icon SBCs. Today we got a Player Pick, so the chances for a good pull should be a bit better. But can the Challenge keep up with the events lately? And what is the cheapest way to finish the SBC? Let’s check it out!

FIFA 23: These Players Will Dominate Ultimate Team!

In FIFA 23, the meta will definitely be different from the FUT 22 meta, but you can already be very sure which players will dominate the game again in the upcoming Ultimate Team. While it may be boring when everyone in FIFA Ultimate Team competes with a similar squad, meta players just make gameplay a whole lot easier for you. Every FIFA Pro relies on them in the Weekend or official events, so why not use meta players?

Fantasy FUT Upgrade Tracker: The final upgrades

We’ll tell you everything you need to know about Fantasy FUT in FIFA Ultimate Team and keep you up to date with the ratings with the Upgrade Tracker. The event is similar to What If from years past and will likely replace it entirely in FIFA 22. Players receive dynamic maps that can be upgraded through real-life achievements. This time it’s not enough if the team performs. Players must be on the field…


Team Falcons is an and entertainment organization based in the Middle East, North Africa and Europe. Several expansions are planned in the near future. The aim of the club is to sign the best players, managers and content creators. Currently, Team Falcons has more than 90 players, 13 content creators and over 25 managers in different areas. It doesn’t get any better than that.

FIFA 21: Guaranteed TOTS SBCs – Cheapest solution

The newest SBCs in FIFA 21 are guaranteed TOTS from different leagues. We’ll show you which players from which league you can get and how to complete the SBCs in the cheapest way.

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