FIFA 22 Test: Is it worth buying the new soccer simulation from EA Sports?

Every year gamers ask themselves the same question: Is it worth buying the new edition? Goal has tested for you in advance.

For many soccer and console fans, the release date of FIFA 22 an annual highlight like Christmas or your own birthday. Game manufacturer EA SPORTS is finally launching the new edition of the soccer simulation on October 1.

This year, too, there was no demo version in advance, which is why there was no way to get a first impression for yourself. Consequently, many fans – except for the players who took advantage of the ten-hour trial version via EA Play – would buy a pig in a poke. We therefore want to get to the bottom of the question for all the uninformed: Is the new edition worth it?

As usual a purchase is made palatable with numerous touted innovations, but how big are the changes compared to FIFA 21 really? Goal has tested the PS5 version of FIFA 22 for you in advance.

Since the next-gen consoles Playstation 5 and Series X are still not sufficiently available in the fall of 2021, we will first answer a question that some buyers might ask: Do I have to pay for FIFA 22 again if I can only buy one of the new consoles later? The answer to this is: No.

Basically, the manufacturer advertises – as it did last year – with a free upgrade to a next-gen console, but the conditions for this have changed. If you get the Standard Edition, you will get this upgrade with FIFA 22. NOT only Ultimate Edition owners will be able to do this. Details about the individual editions can be found here.

What also won’t work is an upgrade from PS4 to Xbox Series X or Xbox One to PS5. Sony and Microsoft, respectively, logically only provide a free upgrade if the original copy was also purchased from them.

The same applies to game progress, which is especially interesting for the popular FIFA Ultimate mode. Your FIFA 22 progress will be transferred from PS4 to PS5/Xbox One to Xbox Series X. This option is not available when switching from Sony to Microsoft or vice versa.

FIFA 22 Kylian Mbappe HyperMotionEA SPORTS

When you start your first game in FIFA 22, the graphics and the atmosphere created are quite impressive. Spectators in the stands feel more realistic, and the default camera setting makes for an image like you’re on the sofa on Saturdays, just in time for the Bundesliga conference. However, this image doesn’t last long and you press pause.

While the camera perspective looks quite nice, many gamers are likely to immediately change it back to their usual setting. It’s too awkward and difficult to play with – and who wants to be at a disadvantage when playing FIFA just for better visuals?

Once you get to the main menu, you’ll again have the familiar game modes to choose from: Quick Play modes, Volta , Ultimate Team, Career, Pro Clubs and – Season s. So there is nothing new to announce here.

HyperMotion changes dynamics and game flow in FIFA 22

The most interesting aspect before a purchase should surely be the question how much the gameplay of FIFA 22 differs compared to its predecessor. Especially the new HyperMotion technology has been praised in the run-up and after the first games we have to say that the game definitely feels more fluid.

The manufacturer used a technique for the first time in the development that films 22 footballers in a real game and records all the movements of the body through special suits. More than 4,000 new animations are promised to fans.

And indeed, not only do the movements of individual players look smoother, but the teams themselves move more realistically in tandem on the field, teammates gesture when they are free or giving instructions, and teammates finally make smarter runs.

FIFA 22: Goalkeepers are a wall – except for long shots

HyperMotion affects the game graphically and also in gameplay. Two important points need to be addressed here:

A new feature has been named “Explosive Sprint” by the manufacturer, which should significantly change the dynamics in one-on-one situations. In general you can say that the speed of players is still important, but so far FIFA 22 gives the impression that it doesn’t only depend on that. Timing is crucial in the sprint feature. If you stand in front of the defender with the ball, you can lure him before you sprint at the right moment and pass him thanks to a speed boost.

The second important point is the overworked goalkeepers. And when you say overworked, you tend to mean overpowered. After the first few games, every goalkeeper feels like Manuel Neuer at the absolute peak of his career. Especially in one-on-one situations, the keepers hold incredibly. Since many gamers are already upset about this in the preview phase, you can definitely expect the goalkeepers to be toned down via patch soon.

FIFA 22 Borussia Dortmund BVB stadium stadiumEA SPORTS

Also mitigated include cut shots outside the penalty area. While free in front of the goal often despair of the goalkeepers, finesse shots are among the best options to score a goal.

Weaker or more difficult compared to FIFA 21 are the dribblings – especially in the center of the field. Quick hooks are only effective with certain players, and if you also hold the ball too long, you’re programmed to lose the ball. Instead, it’s important to combine forward with patience and clever passes and then set the scene for your attackers there.

For years, the FIFA series has had a mode ready for a wide variety of players. Those who like to play online can do so in Ultimate Team or – Season s, for example. Career is an offline mode where you can lead a club to the top. Volta is an attempt to bring back the FIFA Street flair with street soccer, and Pro Clubs lets you play together with several friends in a team.

In how far there are great innovations in the single modes of FIFA 22 compared to FIFA 21, we have already summarized you in single detailed articles:

A big FIFA revolution will probably never be expected again – if you look at the improvement progress of the last years. But after the first hours of FIFA 22 you can be quite positive. When switching from FIFA 20 to FIFA 21, the ways to score a goal were quite similar. That can’t necessarily be said for the jump from FIFA 21 to FIFA 22.

For this reason alone, it’s great fun at the beginning to figure out the best options and means to be successful. The game plays smoothly, graphically it is definitely worthy of the new console generation and with the newly integrated Advanced Stats like Expected Goals (xG) and Heatmaps you also keep up with the times in this area.

The still reigning FIFA World Champion MoAuba takes a similar line and says that “up to the penalty area everything is better than last year. However, what happens then is madness.” In addition to the goalkeepers, the center backs are also superheroes and clearly too strong with their blocks, according to the eSportsman on Twitter.

In the end, FIFA 22 has the potential to be the best game of the last years. However, there are still some minor adjustments to be made in order to get the best out of it. To be fair, patches have tended to do the opposite of improvements in recent years, so you should always be careful with a forecast.

Nevertheless, the fun factor is quite high in the current state of FIFA 22, which is why one gladly overlooks one or the other weakness, such as the fact that in Ultimate Team you still only get the opponent team faded in for what feels like a second, despite numerous complaints in the previous year. By the way, dear EA SPORTS employees, since when are goalkeepers abbreviated with TH instead of TW? Everyone could well have done without this change. Maybe this is also a topic for the next patch.

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