22: Icon & Future Stars Hagi SBC – Cheapest Solution

That’s a really nice idea, EA Sports! In FIFA 22 a SBC for Prime Icon Gheorghe Hagi has been published. What doesn’t sound so exciting has a cool twist: You don’t only get the legend but also the Future Stars version of his son Ianis Hagi. How much does the new challenge cost? Is it worth it? Let’s take a look!

5 reasons why you should definitely buy FIFA 23

FIFA 22 is still in full swing. FUT Birthday was a successful promo in our opinion, but the high phase of FIFA traditionally ends with the TOTY. The hype at the beginning of the game is huge, everybody wants to build up a new . The TOTS is interesting again, but our view goes slowly towards FIFA 23. Last week we already listed five reasons, why you should never buy FIFA 23. Now comes the contra-article, let us convince you of the opposite. In the end everybody has to form his own opinion. Are you satisfied with FIF

FIFA 22 – The best 50K FUT teams for each league

Building teams in FIFA isn’t always that easy – every week events bring new cards into the game, you don’t have enough or you’re just too uncreative. The market crash in FIFA 22 has made it easier than ever to build the ultimate team.


Excel is making a splash on the FIFA scene again this – Season . World Champion Gorilla and Europe’s number 1, Tom Leese, are now part of the team. The two Brits, spoiled by success, are absolute top FIFA players. They are ready for the challenge of the TOTS Cup and want to shine there as a duo.

FIFA 22 TOTY – These players are missing in the Team of the Year!

No Ronaldo, no Benzema, no Thomas Müller… the TOTY choice in FIFA 22 would have looked very different. But actually these players have already earned a place, right? The voting for the Team of the Year in FIFA 22 is over and… well, we are a little bit surprised about some players. Just by the way: a total of 5! Paris Saint-Germain players made it to the world eleven…. Isn’t that a bit much for last – Season ?

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