FIFA 22: FUT Campaign Player Pick SBC – Cheapest Solution

In 22 we have a new SBC in Ultimate Team: Campaign Bag Player Pick SBC can be completed. Is the Player Pick Challenge worth it? And how expensive is it? Let’s take a look…

In FIFA 22 Ultimate Team EA Sports has now released the Campaign Bag Player Pick SBC. We already know this kind of SBC quite well – the Year in Review SBC or one of the many Party Bag Challenges come directly to mind here.

How does the Campaign Player Pick work? Well, many players from selected events of the past FIFA year can be chosen. We show you if the new challenge is worth it at all, how you can complete it at the best price and list all player items with their current market value. Let’s go!

Campaign Player Pick SBC Overview
The Campaign Bag Player Pick SBC already expires on April 24 – and as we correctly predicted, the SBC already appeared frequently in Ultimate Team after the release of Fantasy FUT Team 2. EA really likes bringing back the Challenge…. Here’s a quick rundown of what you actually get:

The question that’s probably been on the tip of your tongue since the beginning: Which players can I actually choose? Never fear my friend, we will answer that question for you. EA took a look at the FUT 22 event calendar and picked completely random events. While the first Capaign Bag Player Pick featured SBCs OTW, Adidas Numbers Up, Headliners, RTTF as well as the first team of Fantasy FUT, this time players can be drawn from Future Stars, FUT Birthday and FUT Captains. No idea why of all promos, just don’t question it. It’s always better that way with EA.

Campaign Bag Player Pick SBC – All Players & Prizes
Once again we made the effort – by the way really absolutely sucky work – to collect all players with their current market values, which you can draft in the Campaign Bag Player Pick SBC. The following table is the result:

If you pick these players, you’ll make a profit on about half of them, while the other half is an L for you – but with these odds, this Campaign Bag SBC is the best one yet. So is it worth the challenge? It’s hard to say, we’ll leave the math to you….

Campaign Bag SBC Cheapest Solution & Rewards.
What is the cheapest way to complete the Campaign Bag SBC? If we show you the cheapest solution, it means this challenge has it all! But sure, even with average SBCs, you should know the cheapest way to complete them. So let’s take a look at the teams you have to give away for a Campaign Bag Player Pick:


FIFA 22 is still in full operation, but in the background the game makers of EA Sports are already working on the next part – FIFA 23 will be released in autumn 2022.
But under which name will the classic game be continued in autumn 2022? As things stand, it is not at all certain that the game will continue to bear the name of the world association FIFA. We have the most important information about FIFA 23 for you, why the game series will get a new name and on which consoles the next part of the soccer simulation will be available.


We can’t give you an official launch date for the next part of the FIFA game series yet. EA hasn’t communicated much in this regard yet, so so far we can only assume that FIFA 23 will be released in the period between mid-September and early October 2022, just like its predecessors. In the past years, the latest launch date of a FIFA game was October 06.