FIFA 22 career mode: own club and player career as upgrade

22 brings changes in the career mode. We show you all the news, if the leaks are true and if EA has really worked on the mode well, or if it’s just another lame update.

First of all, there was some interesting leak material about the career mode. Unfortunately, we won’t get an online career mode. But: We will be able to create our own club again. To be honest, we’re really excited about it. That EA sells the feature as new is once again cheeky. Career mode with your own club was already (and last) in 2013.

FIFA 22 career mode: Own club and player career as upgrade
At least the possibilities look quite good. You will be able to create your club the way you want it to be. First, you choose the name and nickname and then the league you want to start in. The team you replace will then start in the rest of the world. So if you want to ban Bayern from the Bundesliga, or replace Paris Saint-Germain in Ligue 1: here you go.

FIFA 22 career mode: Finally create your own club again
You can also start in the lower leagues and lead your team to fame and glory. You can also choose a rival. After that it continues with jersey settings, Also your stadium can be customized.

It also sounds really cool that you can set your squad right from the start. You can adjust the average age and strength and then of course make transfers. Of course, you can also manage the budget yourself.

Player career also with new features

In the end there is to say for the player career: There are very similar features coming as already for Pro Clubs. Perks and increasing your overall strength are supposed to work like in Pro Clubs, doesn’t sound very exciting.

What sounds good though is the change to be able to come off the bench. It just makes the mode more realistic. You start your career as a nobody, as a benchwarmer and get only little playing time. You have to convince your manager and get more playing time out of it.

But the features are really not groundbreaking.

New transfer negotiations, animations and milestones in career mode
EA gives us new animations for transfers. Yay. I mean, after seeing that twice, it’s just a constant click away.

There are also new cheering sequences. Also in the booth. We’ve already got a video for you guys on that. We assume that there is an animation for it, so here too: Unfortunately, it doesn’t matter after the first two or three times.

The new milestones sound nice, though. This makes the career more authentic. You’ll be notified when you win the manager of the month award, or when one of your players earns the golden boot.

On PlayStation 5, Xbox Series X/S and Stadia there will be scenes for this as well. The other consoles will have to make do with the news.


FIFA 22 is still in full operation, but in the background the makers of EA Sports are already working on the next part – FIFA 23 will be released in autumn 2022.
But under which name will the classic game be continued in autumn 2022? As things stand, it is not at all certain that the game will continue to bear the name of the world association FIFA. We have the most important information about FIFA 23 for you, why the game series will get a new name and on which consoles the next part of the soccer simulation will be available.


We can’t give you an official launch date for the next part of the FIFA game series yet. EA hasn’t communicated much in this regard yet, so so far we can only assume that FIFA 23 will be released in the period between mid-September and early October 2022, just like its predecessors. In the past years, the latest launch date of a FIFA game was October 06.