FIFA 21 Weekend League starts – All info about FUT Champions

The first Weekend League starts this weekend. The most difficult mode in FUT attracts fans of the sports game with high-quality rewards in the form of card packs and coins. We’ll tell you what to expect in FUT Champions.

veterans already know: FUT Champions or the Weekend League is the most important competitive game mode in FIFA Ultimate Team. In FIFA 21, the first Weekend League is just around the corner – we’ll get you ready for the Champions.

EA Sports announced on Twitter that the start of the first Weekend League had to be postponed at short notice. So it will start on Saturday, October 17 at 09:00 – but you have until Tuesday to complete the 30 games.

What is the Weekend League?

In the most popular game mode FIFA Ultimate Team there are different possibilities to prove your skills. For example, you can compete against CPU opponents in Squad Battles, have fun in friendly matches or draft games, or compete online against other players for rewards in Division Rivals.

However, every FUT player is eagerly awaiting the Weekend League, the most difficult mode of all. Here you have a total of 30 matches every weekend, in which you should get as many victories as possible.

The more victories you get for your FUT team during the weekend, the better the rewards will be. For example, the rank Elite 1 offers 125,000 coins, four high-quality card packs with the best FIFA 21 players and 3 player selection packs with stars from the current Team of the Week.

When does the Weekend League start?

The Weekend League always runs from Friday 09:00 to Monday 09:00. The first FIFA 21 Weekend League starts on October 16th, one week after the release. Enough time to build a strong FUT starter team.

Which ranks are available in FUT Champions?

The respective rank depends on the number of games won. You start with Bronze 3, if you win a maximum of one match. But it gets really exciting from rank Silver 1, because from this rank on you get a TOTW player selection.

  • Bronze 3 (0 to 1 win)
  • Bronze 2 (2-3 wins)
  • Bronze 1 (4-5 wins)
  • Silver 3 (6-7 wins)
  • Silver 2 (8-10 wins)
  • Silver 1 (11-13 wins)
  • Gold 3 (14-16 wins)
  • Gold 2 (17-19 wins)
  • Gold 1 (20-22 wins)
  • Elite 3 (23-24 wins)
  • Elite 2 (25-26 wins)
  • Elite 1 (27 wins)
  • Top 200 – Here the 200 best players of the Weekend League are honored. Depending on their ranking they will receive different rewards.

How do I qualify for the FIFA 21 Weekend League?

To qualify for the Weekend League you have to collect a total of 2,000 FUT Champions points. This is possible through the Division Rivals game mode, where you earn points for each completed match in FIFA 21. Additional points can be collected in the weekly Rivals rewards.

The higher your division and the better your result in a match, the more FUT Champions points you will receive.

Until when do I have to qualify?

In FIFA 20 it was still possible to qualify for FUT Champions after the Weekend League had already started. This will be the case again in FIFA 21. Until Saturday at 09:00 o’clock the Weekend League qualification is possible, after that you have to be patient for one week.


FIFA 22 is still in full operation, but in the background the game makers of EA Sports are already working on the next part – FIFA 23 will be released in autumn 2022.
But under which name will the classic game be continued in autumn 2022? As things stand, it is not at all certain that the game will continue to bear the name of the world association FIFA. We have the most important information about FIFA 23 for you, why the game series will get a new name and on which consoles the next part of the soccer simulation will be available.


We can’t give you an official launch date for the next part of the FIFA game series yet. EA hasn’t communicated much in this regard yet, so so far we can only assume that FIFA 23 will be released in the period between mid-September and early October 2022, just like its predecessors. In the past years, the latest launch date of a FIFA game was October 06.