FIFA 21 Ultimate Team: 7 features we wish we had

The release is approaching with big steps. Of course, the FUT mode will be the most important part of EA Sports’ sports game this year. We have a few wishes for 21 Ultimate Team, which will make the game better.

We’ve already told you our wishes for FIFA 21. Here are 7 Ultimate Team mode wishes we want to see (again) this year.

1. own logos and jerseys
What is the FIFA Ultimate Team mode all about? You create your own club, your own team with the players you want to see on the pitch. But then why are we still not allowed to create our own logos and jerseys?

Honestly, EA: even the in-house NHL series gets that right a long time ago. It’s about time we were allowed to be designers in FUT 21!

2. give us the indoor mode
It is perhaps THE feature that FIFA fans miss the most. The indoor mode from FIFA 98 is legendary, but we were denied a comeback after the World Cup spin-off. VOLTA doesn’t count! So just combine the fans’ biggest wish with the most popular mode and finally bring us back indoor soccer – in FUT 21. Please, thank you.

3. we want to play again
Offline and online tournaments were a popular feature in FUT mode for a long time, until EA Sports removed them without replacement. Why? Probably not even those responsible know themselves. After all, the tournaments brought variety to the game just by their requirements.

Who gets the victory with a silver team? Which Bundesliga FUT team will snatch the trophy? Meanwhile, there’s not a single incentive not to field the strongest team you can afford. Here, the return of tournaments would provide a breath of fresh air.

4. less promos
Summer OTW, Icon Swaps, Ultimate Scream, Road to the Final, FUTmas, TOTY, Headliners and most recently Summer Heat. FUT 20 brought us more promo than in any FIFA before.

Now it’s July and the overview is completely gone. Players like Kylian Mbappé sometimes get 10 special cards. This promo chaos has to stop, even – Season ed pros can’t see through it anymore.

5. wager matches
For years FIFA fans have been asking for wager matches in FUT mode. That would be a pretty cool idea, which we would like to see in FIFA 21. These games are extremely popular in the FUT community, but they violate EA Sports’ official rules and can lead to a ban.

The idea behind it: Two FUT players agree in advance on a fixed stake, which is credited to the winner. 1,000 or 10,000 coins for a win is an extremely nice incentive. And it would fit the overall character of the FIFA Ultimate Team mode with microtransactions and packs anyway.

6. FUT Champions Rework
Since EA Sports introduced FUT Champions (also known as Weekend League) as a game mode with FIFA 17, the mode has enjoyed tremendous popularity. The recent reduction of matches from 40 to 30 games per weekend also makes FUT Champions more attractive to casual players.

But 30 games of just under 15 minutes each fill the entire weekend with FIFA, so even in its current form, FUT Champions isn’t the ideal solution. What about a different system for getting those coveted special red cards? A league format or a weekly tournament based on the ranks would be a simple solution.

7. improve the servers!
It can’t be repeated enough. The FIFA 20 servers are a disaster and have been since the game’s release. Even the last server update didn’t change that. Online matches in FUT 20 are, at least during the day, completely unplayable. Most pros or streamers complete their matches before six in the morning or after 11pm. Great, isn’t it?

Functioning, lag-free and high-quality online servers, that would be something for FIFA 21.


FIFA 22 is still in full operation, but in the background the game makers of EA Sports are already working on the next part – FIFA 23 will be released in autumn 2022.
But under which name will the classic game be continued in autumn 2022? As things stand, it is not at all certain that the game will continue to bear the name of the world association FIFA. We have the most important information about FIFA 23 for you, why the game series will get a new name and on which consoles the next part of the soccer simulation will be available.


We can’t give you an official launch date for the next part of the FIFA game series yet. EA hasn’t communicated much in this regard yet, so so far we can only assume that FIFA 23 will be released in the period between mid-September and early October 2022, just like its predecessors. In the past years, the latest launch date of a FIFA game was October 06.