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Mauro Icardi Flashback SBC in 22 – Cheapest Solution

So shortly before Team of the Year, publisher EA has now launched the next Flashback SBC. Mauro Icardi and his performance with Inter from the 2017/18 – Season takes center stage. Until January 21, you can complete the SBC…. But is it even worth it? And how do I save the most coins? We’ll clarify that here!

FIFA 22 Niklas Dorsch TOTS SBC – Cheapest solution

In between TOTS releases, EA is currently launching a few challenges. Most recently, we’ve seen Paulinho from Bayer 04 Leverkusen or the end of the Akinfenwa era in FUT. So now cod also joins the circle of SBCs. What can the challenge do and what is the best way to complete it? Here you can find the solution.

FIFA 22: How to get the free PS Plus FUT Pack

For the first time in FIFA history there will be a free PS Plus Pack . First of all, we can reveal that the pack is actually really good . The chances are good that you draw a valuable card – of course you take it with you for free. Also, FIFA 22 is among the free PS Plus games in May!


Complexity is one of the oldest clubs in the space. They have now been at the top of the scene for more than 19 years. In 2019, the club made their debut in FIFA with Joksan and AA9Skillz. In addition to its reliable tournament players, Complexity also has content creators, with the focus always being on and competition.

FIFA 20 TOTSSF – The Mega Event at a glance

The FIFA Team of the – Season is the FUT20 event that all players are looking forward to every year. In FIFA 20 EA Sports goes a little bit different way this time – thanks to Corona. The first FIFA 20 TOTSSF (Team of the – Season So Far) has finally been revealed. We have summarized all info, players, SBCs and tasks.

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