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Tahith Chong Team Basics SBC: Cheapest Solution

Whether it’s Adidas NumbersUp, Rulebreakers or even the freshly announced Next Generation cards, there’s always something going on in 22 Ultimate Team. And much like EA Sports never runs out of ideas when it comes to events, the publisher stays creative with the SBCs as well. Besides the nice Simon Banza SBC and a pretty nice David Neres upgrade there is now a Tahith Chong SBC. And this one has it all. Will he finally live up to his talent?

PlayStation server down and PS Plus expired: Why FIFA Online is down right now

EA Server down: Why FIFA online is not running right now – PlayStation & PS Plus Down 23.03.2022: There is a new system software update for the PlayStation 4 and 5, but this update causes a big problem for most players. You get an indication that your PS Plus has expired. We assure you that your PS Plus has not expired. This is a bug that Sony has unknowingly built in with the latest system software update.

FUT Birthday Marco Reus SBC Solution

FUT Birthday gave us some really strong cards in the past few days, most notably Arturo Vidal or Mesut Özil. Now FUT Birthday Marco Reus is another player who is really worthwhile. The most affordable SBC solution. FUT Birthday Marco Reus makes more than decent gains – the stats already look really good without Chemistry Style.


Complexity is one of the oldest clubs in the space. They have now been at the top of the scene for more than 19 years. In 2019, the club made their debut in FIFA with Joksan and AA9Skillz. In addition to its reliable tournament players, Complexity also has content creators, with the focus always being on and competition.

FIFA 20 TOTSSF Coutinho SBC solution

At the start of the current – Season , FC Bayern Munich loaned Brazilian Philippe Coutinho from FC Barcelona. Perhaps THE hottest transfer of the current Bundesliga – Season . It took a while for the midfielder to find his feet in Germany, but with 14 scorer points in 22 games, he has finally arrived. For this, there is now a strong TOTSSF Coutinho SBC card in FIFA 20. We show the most favorable way.

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