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22: All Showdown SBCs and who you should bet on

A Showdown Event starts in FIFA 22 and provides us with many SBCs. We show you all Showdown Series SBCs and tell you which you should complete. We can hardly save ourselves from special cards, events, promos and special cards in FIFA Ultimate Team – but one still goes in. Although the FUT calendar is actually more than neatly filled, a brand new promo starts on 01.04. in Ultimate Team: the Showdown Series.

FIFA 22 Niklas Dorsch TOTS SBC – Cheapest solution

In between TOTS releases, EA is currently launching a few challenges. Most recently, we’ve seen Paulinho from Bayer 04 Leverkusen or the end of the Akinfenwa era in FUT. So now cod also joins the circle of SBCs. What can the challenge do and what is the best way to complete it? Here you can find the solution.

FIFA 22: Did Neymar cause the market crash?

He came, saw and crashed the transfer market in FIFA 22: Neymar Jr. Who else if not the Golden Boy himself? We all know that the economy in FIFA 22 is a bit… questionable. That’s why this is n’t the first market crash this year . Not even the second one, there was already one when it was released. What happened this time and why is Neymar to blame? Let’s find out!


The two players from Team FUTWIZ are familiar with the international scene. They’ve featured in global on and off since FIFA 17, with Marko’s participation in the FeWC standing out. Can the long-time teammates now also reach the top of the Team of the – Season Cup?

Latest TOTW Upgrade SBC: Mbappé Inform for 15K?

Like every week we get new SBCs in FIFA 22 Ultimate Team. Besides all the events like the Adidas NumbersUp or the Rulebreakers there is also a challenge with special cards on the program. We show you here how you can complete the TOTW Upgrade SBC and if it is worth it at all.

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