Fastest Map – Jose (P) v Thanks (T) on Space – StarCraft – Brood War REMASTERED

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##StarCraft2: #LegacyoftheVoid shoutcasts every day of the week! #Blizzard Entertainment at its best! Real-time strategy casts daily!

#Starcraft Heroes – Horace Warfield.

For a man so deeply involved in the darker and mysterious sides of the #Terran , Horace Warfield had a relatively ordinary childhood. He was born in the #Tarsonian coastal town of Kithrup, the youngest son of Shae and Henry Warfield. His parents both worked for the local hospital: his father as an administrator and his mother a neurosurgeon.

Planets #Starcraft – Phaeton.

The harsh deserts on Phaeton are extremely hostile to life. Although the planet has breathable amounts of oxygen, there are almost no deposits of minerals or drinking water. Phaeton’s location at a great distance from the centers of the #Protoss and #Terran civilizations makes it even less attractive for settlement.

#Starcraft Units – Infested.

An infested terran is created when a terran is infected with the zerg hyper-evolutionary virus. The victim usually loses most of their intelligence and sanity, as their mind becomes consumed by the zerg. Most become physically stronger, faster, tougher, and develop the ability to burrow, as well as other typical zerg traits (the ability to quickly heal wounds, receive orders psionically, and so forth). In addition, many infested terrans can explode, sacrificing themselves in a splash of toxic fluid.

#Starcraft Missions – Between Heaven and Hell.

Description: Thanks to you, we’ve secured our landing zone, Commander. General Warfield states that under the circumstances, attacking the primary #Zerg swarm would be suicidal. That’s why we need a diversionary tactic to keep the #Zerg forces occupied and give us the opportunity we need.

#Starcraft Buildings – Supply Depot.

The Supply Depot is a building constructed by #Terran for the purpose of providing supply. Each Supply Depot raises the #Terran’s supply cap by eight. Supply Depots are also used for strategic purposes, typically for walling. Another use for them is to be placed near other #Terran buildings to create obstructions that enemy units must walk around, giving #Terran time to out micro his opponent.


#StarCraft is a real-time strategy game developed by #Blizzard Entertainment and released in 1998. In the same year, the only expansion, #StarCraft: #BroodWar, was released, which continues the story of the basic game and includes new game contents. In 2000, the game, including the expansion, was adapted by Mass Media and Nintendo for the Nintendo 64 gaming platform. With more than 9.5 million copies sold, #StarCraft was the best-selling real-time strategy game in August 2007. On April 19, 2017, #StarCraft was released for free, including the #BroodWar expansion and some customization’s.

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